Stitched hearts

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The song is warriors by imagine dragons... I do not own any of the songs I post.
Quick Announcement!!!
Soooo.... School is starting tmrw and obviously I'm going to be busy.. So I might not be able to keep up with my updating schedule... So I apologize in advance, that I might miss some days... I have 1 more things to say!!! I DONT WANNA GO TO SCHOOL!!!! :'-(


It was the last day and I was a little panicky hoping that nothing happened to Gon. For the past 4 days I have been sitting down on a huge boulder using and training my En. I would sit not budging, I was used to it though. My first year of training with Uvo he left me in the base, I had to sit there all day long. Not moving, I continued this harsh training for at the least, 5 months. I don really know, Uvo left me there and didn't come back until he was satisfied, I even missed my own birthday and I was turning 6. I didn't get to eat anything and I didn't get to move, so I had to sit in a crossed leg form for 5 months or something. I know right, gross. I got no showers or anything. I still remember it like the back of my hand.


"(Y/n)... Ever since you joined the Spiders, you have been training nonstop and your powerful. Hell, you were stronger than me even with no training. Hehe but today your going to learn En, I'm not going to teach you, you have to figure it out yourself..." I nodded and stared at Uvo as he chuckled, I stood up from my sitting position and grabbed an apple from my bag. I quickly ate it and sat in the middle of the base on the floor. I didn't know what to do, so I tried to concentrate but failed because Phinks and Feitan were fighting... We'll more like Phinks was whining and Feinten answered all his questions with a solid 'No'. They never really did get along, so I stood up and walked to my room(more like an excuse for a room..) I sat down and sighed before crossing my legs and letting my hands fall landing on my lap. I didn't know what to do so I shut off all of my 5 senses, I did Nen but I tried stretching it out. That didn't work, so I used Zetsu and used Nen as a kind of back up. I tried stretching it now, it worked but only went like 2 feet. I suddenly felt something invade my bubble and come straight at me, I snapped my eyes open and caught a fist. I looked up and saw Uvo staring at me smirking, I growled and sent him my best glare. I saw him tense but quickly relax, I smacked his hand aside and groaned.
"Oi! Are you blind or something?! I'm trying to train here!! Will you leave me alone, this training is bad enough as it is!! Freaking leave or I will end you, you oversized mutt!!" (Oh yeah, you was a sassy 5 yr old) I yelled that as a closed my eyes. I slowly opened them up and still saw him there, he was making a hurt look.
"Ohana means family, (Y/n)..." I stared at him. This guy was an idiot, I made a angry face.
"Ok let me get something straight Mutt, I don't have a family anymore and if I did. It's not you or any of the other Spiders. I will never except you as a family member, the closest you ever gonna get is a friend. Nothing more, nothing less..." I said with a stoic face and dull eyes. This time Uvo actually looked hurt, like deep inside. I might've actually cracked something but whatever, I kicked him out of my room and locked the door. I sat back down in my bed and did the same thing like before. I sat there for hours, maybe even days. But all I knew was that I was hungry, my stomach made the sound of the ancient whale call. I ignored it and stretched my En even more, sweat down my face and dropped onto my hands.


I have been sitting here and by now, I couldn't feel anything. My En grew really far now, even if I wasn't interacting with the others. At least I knew where they were, I felt Phinks and Feitan's Nen close to each other so I guessed that they were fighting. I would occasionally feel Uvo's Nen stop right in front of my door, it's like he would hesitate.


I was sitting down feeling around, seeing what people were doing in YorkNew city, I was in the middle of observing a little girl like myself play with what I was thinking was her parents. When it saw Uvo walk into my room and approach me.
"About time... I was starting to get bored." I said with my eyes still closed. I slowly opened them and looked at Uvo, he had a satisfied smile but it was strained. I stood up and stumbled before leaning on Uvo, I pushed myself off him and and walked out the door. I walked into our main room and saw everyone hanging out. Chrollo was sitting on a stone reading, Phinks and Feitan we're play fighting, you know that one where it just like 'ew don't touch me' kind. Shalnark was messing around on his technology, Pakunoda was cleaning her gun. Machi was watching Feitan and Phinks fight. I grinned at the sight.

"OI!! Who missed me?!"

*Flashback end*

I was interrupted when I heard a woman voice ring throughout the whole island.
"The phase is ending, all contestants come to the same place where you were dropped off. After you come you can not trade anything, if you are caught than you will disqualified!" I opened my eyes and teleported to the start. I saw Gon and quickly walked the other way, I glanced the back and saw Gon with a heartbroken look on his face. I couldn't stop myself, I ran up to him and hugged him tightly. He shook as he sobbed into my shoulder, I let some tears escape. I looked around and saw Kurapika glaring at me, I kissed Gon's fore head and pulled out from the hug.
"I gotta go G-Gon.." I whispered sadly into his ear. I turned around trying to ignore his sad pleas to come back, I looked to the side and saw Hisoka looking at me with a perverted smile. I shivered and shot daggers at him, he caught them with ease and turned around.


We were back on the ship after some of us were declared victors. We were back on the airship and were heading off in our own directions. I walked to an empty room and sat down while taking out my phone.
2 messages from Uvo, 1 missed call from Chrollo
I sighed. He doesn't give up does he, can't he get the message that I'm never coming back...
I looked through me messages and gasped at the sight.


'There is another Spider with you...'

I quickly replied with, ' you mean there is a spider with me... I'm not a spider anymore... Uvo..'

I snapped my phone shut and heard the door next to me open. I looked up and saw Gon, he was staring at me with red, puffy eyes. I quickly stood up and was about to leave but he grabbed my hand and threw me up against the wall. I squeezed my eyes on contact and opened them up to see Gon making a angry, heartbroken frown.
"Why?! I'm sick of your excuses! I want to know everything, I can't go on like this anymore! Spit it out!!" He screamed at me as tears poured out like a waterfall. I shrinked in fear, Gon is scary when he is mad. I slumped down the wall in defeat, I looked up at him and sighed as a stray tear came out.
"Ok! Ok.... My parents were murdered when I was young! I was adopted by Chrollo, the head of the Phantom Troupe..." I paused so that he could take that in because.... Gon is quite dumb.. He had a look of total concentration like listening to my backstory is the most complicated thing in the world and in Gon's case, it is.
"Uvo, the strongest member trained me and that's how I became this strong." I said while gesturing at myself. "I went through a lot of training and became super strong but... When the Kurta massacre happened, I quit because I had a close friend that was a Kurta. I left and lived alone for a while, then I decided to take the exam to test my strength... I joined, hiding my past but Kurapika found out and he... H-he banded me from ever seeing you a-again!!" I choked out trying to hide my sobs but it didn't work. I stood up and tried to run out of the room but Gon grabbed me turned me around. I tried to object but he smashed his lips into mine. My eyes widened and I completely grew stiff but soon I melted into the kiss and my arms snaked around his neck. He softly grabbed my waists but he was hesitant. I felt him smirk into the kiss. He pulled away and blushed before saying.
"I don't care what Kurapika says, this is my life and you are my life..." My cheeks completely heated up and I stared at him as tears of joy escaped.
"G-Gon!! I love you!" I yelled jumping at him and hugging him, probably squeezing the life out of him but I didn't care. All I wanted to do was be in his embrace, I looked into his beautiful brown hues.
"I love you too...(Y/n).." My breath hitched as he said that. After all this time of struggling, we are finally together..

I trust that Gon will continue to love me.


Do not worry reader-chans!! I'm not ending here, I'm gonna continue writing!!!! But as I said before, I might not be able to update every day tho... Srry!!!

~author-chan out!!

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