“You look, wow. You’re beautiful, Sam.” I blush looking down at my heels.

“Thanks, Lou.” I smile and walk to the door. “Louisssss!!! Let’s go!” I whine as he just stands there staring at me.

“It’s Louiee not Louiss.” He groans putting emphasis on the ‘e’ and‘s’ and follows me to the door.


We pull up in front of some fancy restaurant named Dans les étoiles which translates to In Our Stars. I don’ t quite understand the name but oh well. It looks fancy.

“This seems like a really expensive place, and really fancy, Louis. We can go to like Nando’s or something. It’s really fine.” I try to convince him.

“No, no. Let’s go.” He insists. I sigh opening my door and climbing out. My heels make a slight clicking noise I walk to the front of the car where Louis surprises me by interlocking our hands, I feel a spark sent through my body and I look up at him, only to find him staring back at me with a goofy grin on his face. I know he felt it to.

“Reservations for Tomlinson,” Louis says to the lady at the booth.

“Right this way.” The lady smiles a fake smile grabbing menus and leading us to the back corner booth. “My name is Melissa and I will be your server tonight, what can I get you to drink?”

“Champagne for the both of us please,” Louis requests, Melissa nods and walks away.

“I don’t know what’s good here.” I sigh looking over the menu seeing thinks I have no idea how to pronounce. Louis recommends something I can’t say and Melissa, our waitress, comes back and pours us champagne. Louis orders for the both of us as I can’t pronounce the stuff he recommended. She heads to the back.

“This is a really nice place.” I say looking around, many fancy paintings on the walls, the ceiling is painted and everyone that’s in the restaurant is wearing suits and ties or dresses.

“It was a place my mum introduced me to.” He says looking around the room. I turn my gaze back to him and he’s staring at me.

“You keep staring at me.” I say blushing and looking down at the napkin in my lap.

“It’s because you’re beautiful, Sam, honestly.” He says which causes me to blush more and I cover my face with my hands. Then pull my hands off my face. Revealing a crazy face, my eyes crossed tongue sticking out.

“This is why I love you.” He says laughing loudly causing everyone in the restaurant to turn and face us as we laugh super hard. I have tears streaming down my face from laughing so hard.

“We’re going to get kicked out of this place!” I groan and kick him lightly under the table.

“That’s okay, as long as I’m with you, I’m happy. Fancy restaurant or not,” he smiles.

“You’re being very, like, romantic tonight.” I state.

“Sam, can I ask you something?” He asks and I nod taking a drink of my champagne.

“Well, I was just wondering-“He gets cut off by Melissa.

“Here’s yours and yours, anything else I can do for you?” She smiles.

“No thank you.” I smile back, picking up my fork and sticking it into the chicken. “Mm, dis is wewee wood!” I say trying to talk with my mouth full, which translates into ‘This is really good.’

“Sam, no talking with your mouth full.” Louis scolds playfully and I just shake my head. Taking another bite.

“What were you going to say again, Lou?” I smile chewing another bite of this delicious chicken mixture.

“Well, Sam, I know we’ve known each other for a while I guess. And I really like you.” He pauses. He likes me. He likes me. He likes me. “And I know you’ll probably say no. But I just want you to hear me out first. I’ve liked you since the beginning, you’ve known that, and I know you hate talking about this, but I had always wished about how you would’ve chosen me over Harry because I know how I can treat you verses him. I know how much better I will be for you and I wish you had seen that before. I know it’s late for you to see something in the past, but I just wish you would’ve, but you didn’t. So now we’re here, laughing about nothing, holding hands and going out to a nice dinner, and honestly this isn’t just a normal dinner. I wanted to make this our first date but I knew if I would’ve said date you would’ve wanted an explanation and, well, I just wanted the explanation to be special. Now after that long speech, Sam, will you be my girlfriend?” He looks at me, his gorgeous blue eyes piercing my own. I don’t even answer; I slide across the booth and place my lips against his. Our lips moving in sync and the fireworks begin again.

With Harry, kisses were full of want, lust, never love. When I kiss Louis all I feel is passion, and love. I pull back from him.

“I wish we would’ve done that sooner.” I sigh and scoot closer to him as his arm wraps around my waist and I curl into him. He kisses my forehead and we sit like that.

What a perfect night.



Hey guys! There's some Lamantha for ya:) So just to clear it up, Sarry is over:( forever? That I can't tell you. I'm not sure if I want to make a sequel. I'll start writing TD or FD and then if I decide I want a sequel then I'll write a sequel along with TD or FD.

So I don't have anything to say...


So earlier I totally thought that it was 2014 haha. Yeah, I was stupid. Oh! I have a YouTube account and my Behind the Wig playlist is on there so my account name is DatWriter Chick. If you want to find the playlist just type in 'DatWriter Chick' in the search bar and it will come up with the official Behind the Wig playlist. I will be adding the FD and TD playlists soon:)



Do you want a sequel?

If yes, do you like the title Off With Your Wig,  Taking the Wig Off, or True Identity better? Or any other suggestions you might have.

Okay I love you my pretzels!:) xx <3

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