Chapter 31- Part 2

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Niall dropped the ring, and tears spilled from his eyes. He felt stupid, he was stupid. How could he do that? He should have waited longer. He lost the love of his life.

Niall sunk down onto his knees, and just stared at the ring on the ground. Before it was beautiful, and now it was just an object that drove his boyfriend away. He didn't want to stare at it, but he made no move to put it away. He didn't register his door opening, or the frantic shouts of his name coming from the person who just walked inside his room. He felt numb inside, he really did mess up this time.

Louis wrapped his arms around the shaking boy, and pure worry was etched across his face. His gut was right, and for once he wish it wasn't. He rubbed his back, and made a shushing sound in his ear. He brought the boy closer, and held him in his arms as he sobbed. Niall reached up, and fisted Louis' tee-shirt in his hands; gripping on it like his life depended on it.

Harry was gone, and it was really his fault this time. Why did he think it would be okay to give him a promise ring three months into their relationship? Why did he think he could hold someone down, when they didn't want to be held down in the first place? Niall felt stupid, he felt hollow, he felt nothing.


The party soon ended, but Louis or Niall didn't leave the room to say goodbye. Louis continued to hold Niall, and the pain in his chest never eased up. Louis could almost feel his heartbreak, and he wondered how Harry felt. Louis couldn't understand why Harry didn't accept the ring, the boy talked about Niall 24/7. He was in love with Niall. That's why Louis didn't understand. Harry talked about the dreams, and the plans he had for the future, and Niall was in a lot of them. Louis' own heart broke when Niall wouldn't answer him. He just stared at the wall in front of him as tears spilled down his cheeks.

Not much longer after the party ended, the other lads walked in smiling, - until they saw their friend wrapped in Louis' embrace.

"What happened?" They immediately questioned.

"I messed up." Niall muttered, and Louis' eyes snapped to him in surprise. It was the first time he had spoken in the past hour.

"What do you mean? Where is Harry?" Liam questioned, and instantly regretted it when Niall started sobbing again.

The 2 boys gasped as realization hit them.

Niall suddenly shot up, and grabbed the ring, fumbling with it as his hands shook frantically. "I-I tried to g-g-give this to him, and he left, and I'm so st-t-tupid. I drove him away." Niall took in a deep breath as he found it harder to breathe. "I was moving to fast, and he wasn't ready. This is my fault he left me, why do I always m-mess t-t-things up?!" He sobbed, and dropped the ring again. He put his hand to his chest, and tried taking deep breaths as his lungs started to burn from lack of oxygen. The room spun, and he closed his eyes shut.

"He's having a panic attack. Niall, you need to calm down. Now." Liam demanded. "Give him space." He continued. The boys backed up, and watched in horror as their best friend broke down.

"Take in deep breaths. Put your head in your hands, and take in a deep breath. Good, now hold it. And exhale." Liam said in a soothing voice.

After repeating a few times, Niall's breathing finally came normal. The boys circled around him, and they each held onto Niall.

"Everything will be okay, Ni. We will be here for you. Always." Zayn whispered into his hair.


Harry quickly packed his bags, stuffing as much as he could. He angrily wiped the tears off his face, and groaned in frustration. He wanted to punch something; he wanted to punch himself. His mother watched him from the doorway, and her heart sunken.

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