Chapter 4

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So I finally decided to let you guys know what is wrong with Josh, and what goes through his head!







Is what Josh heard when he woke up. He groaned and pulled his pillow over his face, to block out the sound.







The bell got louder, and Josh snapped his eyes open, tears streaming down his face. He hated himself, everyone hated him. His family, his friends, and strangers on the road. At least, that’s what he thought. That’s what he heard every day from the voices inside his head.

Josh turned his head to the right, and stared at the pill bottle. He didn’t want to take them, but he was getting worse. They would send him away once he got worse; at least that’s what they told him. 

Hesitantly, he reached out, and grabbed his pill bottle. ‘Don’t take them you worthless piece of shit. They are poison.’


‘Put them down, poison.’


Josh threw the pill bottle across the room, and ran to the bathroom. He stared at his reflection for a second, before reaching for his toothbrush, and brushed his teeth.

He walked out once he was done, and could hear his family in the kitchen. He was about to walk out the door, ‘They don’t want to see you, worthless.’


‘I hate you, we hate you.’


He ignored the voices, and wandered down to the kitchen. His father sat at the dining table, and glanced up when he seen his son.

“Good morning you worthless piece of shit.”

‘See they hate you. I hate you. Don’t drink the coffee, they poisoned it. They want you to die.’


“Hunny? Did you hear your father? He asked you how you slept.” His mum’s voice rang through his ears.

“Oh...” He mumbled. “I slept okay.”

His father frowned, and shook his head gently. “You didn’t take your pills did you? Son, you shouldn’t listen to what they say. I don’t think you are worthless.”

He’s lying to you. Why wouldn’t he think you are worthless? Look at you!’


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