Chapter 29 All Over Again (Nessie's P.O.V.)

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It's September 14th. Logan's 29th birthday.

I get picked up by Dinah's mom, who offered to drop us at the airport. Us, that is, Dinah, James and me, of course.

"How are you, Nessie?" Dinah's mom asks me cheerfully.

"I'm fine, thank you," I reply.

"So, what's your decision about Logan?" she asks me. "I hope you'll forgive him, dear."

"I'm not sure yet," I say. "My parents bought us a house for our wedding gift already, but..." my voice trails off, I'm thinking what to say.

"But?" everyone asks. "But what, Nessie?"

"He did hurt me more than I ever thought I'd be, so I don't think I'd be able to trust him this easily again," I explain to them, sighing slightly.

Luckily, Dinah changes the topic of our little conversation so that we stop talking about Logan and me.

Even after we board our plane and have our journey back to LA, Dinah and James don't ask me about Logan. We talk about some neutral stuff.

At the airport we meet Philip. James' brother is so kind as to give us all a lift.

Why did I come back here, to LA, though?

I don't know.

Oh, right, still got some of my stuff left at Logan's house. Gotta get it...

"Hey, guys, how was your journey?" Philip asks us.

"Pretty safe, luckily," Dinah and I tell him, smiling.

"We had a great time, bro," James adds cheerfully.

"Alright, so, then... Where am I supposed to drop you, eh, Nessie? Logan's house or..."

"My parents bought me, well, me and Logan a house, so I'd love it if you could drop me right there," I say as I take a piece of paper out of my pocket and show it to Philip. "That's where I have to go get the keys and my address."

"Wow," Philip whistles. "That's pretty far, farther than James' house at least. You know what? Let's drop Dinah and James first, then you'll get your keys and I'll drop you near your house."

"Oh, it'd be awesome, thanks, Philip," I tell him.

As James and Dinah leave Philip's car, they ask...

"So, see you tonight maybe, Nessie?" they look at me, seemingly worried.

"I don't know," I reply, sighing. "I can't promise."

"Oh, okay then," they say, not being okay with my response, and they leave for James' beautiful house.

Philip takes me to the building where I luckily get my keys - mine and Logan's, two sets of keys were waiting for me there.

As I get back into Philip's car, the radio is turned on.

"I thought some music would cheer you up, eh?" he asks, smiling a weak smile.

"Thanks for caring, Philip," I say. "It's so kind of you, really."

"You're welcome, Nessie," he replies, winking.

Everything goes perfectly fine till I hear this song...

In my head it goes as if Logan sang along with me.


"I feel the night explode when we're together

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