Chapter 16 I Know, You Know, We Know We've Got Something (Nessie's P.O.V.)

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Jeff approaches Logan.

"I'm glad to see you smiling again, son," he says, hugging him. "I'm so sorry you got paralyzed."

"It's okay, Dad," Logan replies, hugging his father back. "Luckily it's temporary. Good to see you had a safe journey back home from Canada."

"Good to finally have you home as well, Logie-bear," Pam hugs Logan. "Thank you for taking care of our son, Nessie. Really, I've no idea what we'd have done without your help, Sweetheart."

"You're welcome," I reply, blushing instantly. "I just did what should've been done, that's all. I'm always there for others, especially my loved ones. If there's ever anything I could do for any of you, please let me know."

"Aw, that's so sweet of you," Pam and Jeff say in unison.

"Good to see you again, Nessie. I'm happy you arrived here safe and sound," Jeff says, hugging me.

"Same here, Jeff," I reply, hugging Mr. Henderson back.

"Please, take a seat and relax, Honey, you must be tired after this long flight," Pam tells Jeff. "I'll prepare dinner."

"May I help?" Pres and I ask in unison.

"Of course, girls," Pam answers, smiling.

We head to the kitchen, leaving Logan and Jeff in the garden.

Pres and I are having fun while helping Pam. Everything goes so smoothly that the dinner's ready in almost no time.

"Presley, could you tell Dad and Logan to come inside for dinner? Oh, and lay the table, please," Pam asks Pres.

"Sure, Mom," she smiles and leaves for the garden.

Soon, we hear Pres, Jeff and Logan come in.

Pres enters the kitchen to take the plates and cutlery so that she could lay the dining table. As soon as she  gets out of here, Mr. Henderson walks in.

"I didn't want Logan to hear this, Nessie," he says, looking straight in my eyes."But you should know I'm relieved to see him in such a good mood, especially taking into consideration his recent accident and its causes. Honestly, Nessie, you're a better psychologist than I am. I may have helped many children, but I had no idea how to talk to my own son in case he'd be depressed by his sudden disability. I don't know how to thank you enough for the great job that you did..."

"You're welcome," I reply, blushing again. "I love Logan with all my heart and I'll do anything that it takes to make him happy."

Jeff hugs me.

"Our son's really lucky to have you by his side," Pam says and also hugs me. "Okay, let's go to the dining room right now."

Logan discoveres that his wheelchair is too low to enable him to reach the table, so I help him transfer on a regular chair. Then we all have dinner together, enjoying every single minute of it. As we finish eating, I collect the dirty dishes and put them in the dishwasher. When I walk into the dining room again, Logan smiles at me. His parents are out of sight.

"Where's everyone?" I ask him, surprised.

"Mom and Dad decided to relax in the garden," he told me. "And Pres went out to meet her best friends."

I look at the clock hanging on the wall.

"I think you should relax as well, Honey," I tell Logan, looking in his eyes. "Your physiotherapist's coming in an hour."

"Oh, okay then," Logan lets out a small sigh. "What's his name?"

"Dr. Adam Lamberg,"  I inform him.

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