Chapter 17 Crazy For You (Nessie's P.O.V.)

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"Ouch!" Logan's groan wakes me up.

One of the so-called 'contractures' seems to creep in.

Dr. Lamberg told us that Logan should be watched by someone 24 hours a day. As Pam has to go to work early and Jeff has to help his friend in a garage, I offered to be the one to watch Logan during the night.

I jump out of the foldable bed I placed in Logan's room. Not even looking at the clock, I go round Logan's bed to the nightstand and prepare his pills. I put them on a kind of plastic plate. Then I take a glass, fill it with water and put a sipper in it. This would make it easier for Logan to drink.

How to make him swallow the pills if he's in pain, though? It's a very strong pain as he's tugging at the covers tightly.

Nessie, think, think! Contactures means that his muscles tighten...

Bingo, got it! I know what should make them relax a bit.

"I'll be back in a minute," I tell Logan, who pants heavily.

I gotta hurry! I run to the bathroom and dampen two big towels in warm water , then squeeze them as much as I can. These would perfectly serve as compresses. I take a smaller towel as well to wipe Logan's forehead as he's sweating again.

I enter Logan's bathroom and move the covers out of the way.

"Ah-ah-ah-ah-aaaaah... Ah-ah-ah-ah-aaaaah..." Logan whines as I put the towels around his legs slowly and carefully.

 I take a seat on the edge of Logan's bed and gently wipe away the drops of sweat from his forehead. His hands are still tugging on the covers, his eyes still closed.

"Can we try with the pills? Are you ready?" I ask, eliciting a light nod between heartbreaking groans.

With great care, I lift Logan's head and make it lean against my left shoulder. I take the glass from the nightstand with my right hand and let Logan have a sip before I reach out for his pills.

Then I take the pills, one after the other, and have Logan swallow them, one by one, between the contractures, hoping that he won't choke on his medicaments every time he poured them down with water.

"Have some more water, Honey," I tell him calmly after all the pills were gone.

Logan does so and after that I put the empty glass back on the nightstand.

Logan's eyes open slowly, reflecting pain.

"Thank you, Nessie..." he whispers quietly. "Love you... Sweetheart..." he adds in between his contractures.

His right hand lets go of the covers and takes hold of mine quite tightly. Logan then raises my palm to his lips, kissing it very softly.

There he is, in strong pains, and he comforts me while it's him who needs to be comforted...

"Love you, too, Honey," I lean in to kiss his cheek softly. "Let's get you back on the pillow, you need to get some sleep now, babe."

I rearrange the pillows and let Logan lie down. Still sitting on the edge of his bed, I take hold of his hand and caress it gently.

"What 'bout you?" he asks me.

"Don't you worry 'bout me, I'll stay by your side till you fall asleep, Honey," I tell him.

"You're crazy, Sweetheart," Logan tells me.

I start singing to him in a low voice.

"How else can I say it
Feel like a broken record
You think I'm crazy and it's true
I'm crazy for you

Yeah, that's right I said it
Babe you're my perfect ten, yeah
You think I'm crazy and it's true
I'm crazy for you"

Logan's eyes close on their own as he drifts off to sleep.

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