Chapter 15 The Right Girl By My Side (Logan's P.O.V.)

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I lie on my bed, trying to fall asleep. Somehow I can't. So many thoughts on my mind... I'm happy to be home and upset at the very same time. I don't feel comfortable when it comes to asking others for help. Now I've no choice, I can't do much myself... What hurts me the most is the fact that Nessie's involved in the whole thing. It's a shame for me that my love has to see me in such condition and I don't wanna trouble her. Unfortunately, it's her who's gonna be around most of the time, I feel uneasy about having to bother her every day...

Suddenly, I hear Nessie knock on my room's door.

"Come in, Sweetheart," I tell her.

The door opens and I see... No way, this CAN'T be true...

"What do you think you're doing?" I ask Nessie, who's sitting in a wheelchair in front of me. I can't help frowning at this rather shocking sight.

She rolls inside.

"I thought that I should help you adjust to the new difficult situation you found yourself in, Honey," she replies, smiling.

"You needn't have done that, Sweetheart," I say calmly. "I've been adjusting myself to that situation right now."

"Logan," Nessie says in a very soft, sweet voice. "I'm afraid you got it wrong. Lying here, in your room, and allowing strange thoughts come to your mind is NOT the way you should do it. You've been depressed enough already and I want you to see the bright side of life, even though it may seem impossible to you. Come on, Honey! Get in your wheelchair and let me teach you how to move around in it on you own."

"How come you know how to use it, Nessie?" I ask again. "You haven't been paralyzed, so why..."

"I had to learn a few things at school," she says, smiling. "Let's get started," she throws a pair of weightlifting gloves at me.

"What are these for?" I ask.

"For your protection. I don't want your hands to hurt later on," Nessie explains patiently.

"You're never going to give up, are you?" I ask her, chuckling.

"I'm pretty stubborn, you know that," she says, laughing.

I put the gloves on and get in my wheelchair quite slowly. Nessie shows me how to push the metal rims on the sides to move in every possible direction. She teaches me how to turn left, how to turn right, how to turn around... And it works! It really works!

"Thank you, Sweetheart," I approach her in my wheelchair and stop in a spot from which I can hug her tightly and kiss her.

"You're welcome, Honey," she says, smiling. "Let me take you downstairs now. I hope you'll change your mind and  have lunch with me, huh?"

"Oh, well, okay" I smile at her, thinking I'm really lucky to be her man.

After lunch Nessie gets in her wheelchair once again.

"Let's go outside," she suggests, winking at me knowingly. "The weather's beautiful, let's go to the garden, Logie..."

"Seriously, Honey, you wanna get bored sitting in the garden with me?" I ask her.

"I bet you won't beat me in a race," she says playfully.

"Wanna race in a wheelchair, Sweetheart?" I ask her.

"Yep," she confirms.

"You won't win, not with me!" I tell her and we move towards the garden.

We keep on racing till we hear familiar voices.

"What's going on in here, loves?" my Mom chuckles.

"Looks like you're having fun, huh?" I turn my head to see Dad standing there and smiling widely.

Nessie and I approach them quickly.

"It's just that I thought it'd be easier for Logan to learn how to move around in wheelchair when I show him by myself," Nessie explains, blushing.

"It's just that I have the right girl by my side," I say, reaching out for Nessie's hand.

"Oh, Logan's back!" Pres runs in my direction and hugs me tightly.

"Yep, I'm back," I say, hugging her back and smiling at Nessie.

My Life With Logan Henderson 3 - All Over AgainTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang