Chapter 7 He Has No Idea, No Idea... (Nessie's P.O.V.)

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We keep on sitting there in silence, looking down. It's kinda awkward.

"Thanks for staying. You're the best friends one can wish for, guys. Logan's lucky to have you by his side," I say, raising my head and looking at them thankfully.

"He's our brother. Well, at least he's like one to us. And you're like our sister, Nessie. We wouldn't leave him as well as we wouldn't leave you," James replies.

The guys nod.

"Thanks, guys," I can't help blushing.

"You're welcome," they say in unison.

All of a sudden, the door opens and we see Logan being transported from the block to a room. The doctor approaches us slowly.

Not being able to take in his motion, I stand up and hurry towards him, with all the guys following me.

"How is he?" we ask together.

"The surgery went well," the doctor replies. "Mr. Henderson had only a few minor injuries. However, we can't predict what the consequences will be. He may just feel weakness in his legs... Or he may suffer from paraplegia. I'm sorry to say..."

"When can we see him?" I interrupt quickly, trembling.

"Now he needs to rest, anaesthesia's still working. I guess he should wake up tomorrow. I'll let you see him in the morning," the doctor tells us.

"Thank you, doctor," we all say.

"You're welcome," we hear him reply.

James puts his arm on my shoulder protectively.

"Don't worry, Nessie. He'll be fine."

"What if not?" I ask, sighing.

"He has all of us. That's not gonna change in any way," he says softly.

We take our seats once again. Our exchange of whispers slows down, we all feel tired after this whole crazy day. So much happened...

"Nessie, wake up," someone touches my arm very gently.

"I'm not sleeping," I jump, lifting my head from what happens to be someone's shoulder.

James looks at me quite awkwardly.

"I'm sorry, James. I hope we weren't like that for a long time," I say quickly, blushing instantly.

"No, it's okay," he replies, smiling a bit. "Actually, it was a pleasure for me. Let's save this for ourselves, though."

"Yes, I couldn't agree more," I wink at him.

"Oh, look, Nessie's up," Carlos tells Kendall,winking at James and me.

"Yeah...," I say, yawning a bit.

"Come on, let's have breakfast. There's a buffet nearby," Carlos suggests, smiling.

We all head towards the buffet to get something to eat, but I just can't swallow at all. Only Logan's on my mind now.

As we leave the buffet, we notice the doctor walking out of Logan's room slowly.

"He's stable, he'll probably wake up soon. You can go and see him now," the doctor tells us. "But no more than two people at a time."

I look at the boys, smiling.

"You go first, guys," I say.

"No, you should go first, Nessie," they say back.

"I insist. You helped him when the accident occured, you're his best friends," I reply.

"Oh, if you're just as stubborn as Logan..." they sigh in response.

They take turns to see Logan.

"Okay, now it's your turn, Nessie," James says, walking out of the tiny hospital room.

I enter Logan's room. The sight of my love in hospital bed makes me feel guilty of the whole situation, not to mention the feeling of having my heart broken...

I take a seat next to his bed. I take his right hand in mine, caressing it softly.

"He has no idea, no idea that I'm even here, I'm even here..." I hear inside my head.

I look at Logan's pale face. He shouldn't be here, I could've prevented this accident...

Then I see Logan's eyes fluttering...

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