Chapter twenty|part three|.

Start from the beginning

The vampire at the side of the door answer, I took a last deep breath and let it out. James open the door and I immediately looked down,knowing that It would be unrespectful if I looked at them as I walked it.

"Younghee is here,Sir" James stand aside, allowing me to walked it. I waited for their instructions for me to walked it.

"Great,Let her in and close the door afterwards", I slowly took a step in, as I was abit far from the door. James close the door and I'm standing there like a doll.

"Come here,Dear. Don't be afraid,We just have something to discuss with you." A women voice said, without looking I can sense her small smile.

I slowly walk to the centre of the room and infront of the vampire family. "Lift your head up,Dear. It's okay".

I hesitated to lifted my head up but It's an order from a Vampire. If I didn't do it, My head would probably disconnected from my body within second.

I slowly lift my head up and look at women infront of me, she look so young. Somewhere in 20ths, but I know her age does not match her looks.

She smiled at me and grab my hand, "I finally get a close look up on you, now I know why my sons decided to take you as their personal slave", she winked. I bite my lips as a smile form on my face, I wanted to shake my head but I didn't because that move could be inappropriate.

"Come come,Sit. My husband and I wanted to discuss about one of my son's conditions" she lead me to the couch,she took a sit. I hesitated because I'm the slave, I wasn't sure if The masters allowed me to sit or even their father who is standing looking so immediate with thier arm crossing on their chest.

"You can sit,Younghee" I looked at Seungcheol who is siting at the couch on the corner of the room. I bowed my head and gave him a small smile, He bite his lips and looked away.

I sit down beside their mother as their father took a sit,across us.

"Younghee,You do know what's your position in this house right? What your work suppose to be right?" I nodded at one of their father's questions.

"Apparently,One of our son get sick." I nodded at their word.

And whay would my position as a slave could help that? I wanted to asked because I was confused, why are they calling me,questioning me and then telling me that.

I'm not a doctor that can cure someone.

"I know you must be confused,The reason why we called you is that. Only you can cure him because he has stomach desire, I know you probably never heard about it before but I shall explain it to you. It's a sickness where a vampire has not fed onto a human blood for years, in order to cure it we have to fed them with human's blood. Our Wonwoo had this problem when he were a teenager back then, we didn't know it would get back but since the boys had took you to be their personal slave,It make things easier. You were never bite before,am I right Younghee?" one of their father explain to me.

I sit there with a blank emotion on my face, trying to receive the information slowly. I gulped as I answer his questions that it's true I'm an un-bitten human.

Slowly thoughs that I didn't wish to came into me,came.

This is not going to where I'm thinking right now,right? Please..Don't.

"Prefect,An un-bitten slave could cure that desire faster. I know you must be scared about this but it's your job as a slave and you can't refuse to it".

"Honey,slow down. Let her take it all in slowly..Poor girl" Their mother put her hand on my back and smile at me. "Deep breath,Dear. It will be okay..Although I hate the idea,it cannot be refused".

I looked down at my lap,taking a deep breath and thinking about their decision.

"Please,Younghee. Help us cure my Wonwoo". I looked at her,She has this kind and gentle look at her eyes.

I never thought this day will come, and I never thought Wonwoo had this desire or to be specific Vampires do have this desire.

"Will you be Willing to cure our son? As a reward for helping, the boys can bring you out to enjoy your one whole week on leisure things" the third father said.

Reward? Why can't the reward be letting me go and return me to my family,my normal life?

I start thinking wisely, should I do it or not?

"and A bonus..We will allow you to call your parents." I immediately lifted my head at the extra reward.

But what if I refuse? I build up a courage to asked that question.

"W-w-what will happen if i refuse to help,Sir?" I can feel my heart just squeeze itself inside.

If that's possible.

"You won't be able to spend your week off, no calling your parents and..." I can't breath when I heard the last sentence.

"we will throw you at the cells and will not feed you because you disobey us and you did not do as what you are supposed to"

What should I do? Let Master Wonwoo feed or Let myself dying at the cell?


Surpriseeeeeeeeeeee, two chapters in one day.

Hehehehe, I want to feed my lovely readers who are curious about what will happen next.

But most importantly, Do you think Younghee will do it?

Hmmm,I wonder.

Let's wait for the next chapter then ;))) ♥♥♥

Do Comment,I enjoy reading you guy's comments XDDD ♥♥♥

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