Just then, Danny threw himself forward and then started vomiting all over the floor. Scott's eyes went to it and noticed a certain flower that he was barfing up. It was the same one that Stiles had spewed out himself though it looked like it was actual petals and stems from it.

"Mistletoe," Ethan muttered out loud.


A woman was driving in her car when she suddenly came up to heavy traffic.

"It's Dr. Hilyard again," she said to her car's speakerphone. "Can you let Melissa know that it might be more than 10 minutes? I think there's an accident up ahead."

"Yeah, a ten car pile-up," the clerk said. "Which is why we need you here."

"I'm going as fast as I can," Hilyard said to her.

She then moved to try and make a detour and circle around the accident. The traffic was a little lighter but she was more tenser as she tried to hurry to the hospital. As she drove, her eyes noticed something flying about at her windshield. It looked like a moth. She turned on the wipers to send it away and it did. However, another one then started to make its way in through the air conditioning vent. She kept driving until her eyes caught the moth flying just in front of her face.

"How did you get in?" She then tried to swat it away.

But then more moths started to fly in through the vents and they were flying about at her. They were starting to block her field of vision and her car started to wobble about. As she kept trying to push the moths away, she looked up at the rear view mirror and screamed when the sight of a hideous scratched up face appeared and hissed at her.


Melissa started to wheel Danny into the operating room with Scott and Ethan following right behind her.

"Can you two please go back to the waiting room?" she asked them but they just kept her following her until she moved Danny to his spot.

"Where are the nurses and the doctors? Where is everyone?" Ethan frantically asked her.

"It's a full house tonight. They're tending to other patients," she explained to him.

"Okay, well, mom how can we help?" Scott asked.

"Honey, you can't. His lung is collapsed. His heart is being pushed against his chest cavity, so-"

Scott's face fell. "He's gonna die, isn't he?"

She looked over at her son's face and her own's hardened. "No. No, he's not. Okay, Scott, you grab the tape," she said to him before turning to Ethan. "You grab those scissors and cut his shirt open." As they raced to do what she said, Melissa went over and grabbed a large syringe. "Okay," she muttered.

"Mom, he's not breathing," Scott said with a cracked voice.

"I know, I know."

She then moved to pierce his lung with the syringe and then started to run a small tube into him in order to gently let air out so that he would be able to breathe. Danny was starting to settle and they could hear the sound of him steadily breathing again as his face softened and he no longer looked like he was in pain. That got all of them to breathe lighter as well.

Danny opened his eyes and looked up at her. "Thank you."

"No problem," Melissa smiled down on him. She then noticed Scott and Ethan looking intensely at her. "What?"

"That was awesome," Scott said completely mystified. Ethan nodded.

"It was no problem, you know? It wasn't a big deal," she said dismissively.

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