the first creation

Start from the beginning

It was a short moment but also felt like eternity, there was something happening between them and both refuse to acknowledge it, dayu push Qing chest to free himself from his hold.

He swims away all his doubt and Question, they were just friend. Barely six months they know each other and both are men. No way that kind of spark happening between them.

Half hour later dayu swims to the nearest banks, put his clothes on and told Qing to also come to the surface. He want to get back home.

Qing didn't say anything about their racing hearts when they embrace each other in the water. They walk silently to their home and seperate with the lump in their throats. They want to say something but confuse where to begin.

It wasn't the only occasion that they both feel that spark between them, many things happen in that 2 years they were together. It was like somekind of natural thing for them to be gravitate toward each other, it just like two magnetic poles that finally meet.

But they always run away from that chemical reaction in their brain everytime that magic happen between them. They refuse it just because both of them are men.

Until that day, Wang Qing couldn't hold any longer the possesive instinct toward dayu, he already claimed him as his and to see another human being threatened the logic that he imprinted in his brain turned him into the real beast that he is.

Dayu should be his, no matter how the boy felt, it was a toxic logic and Qing knew it, he chose Dayu's feeling and well being over his carnal need to have him.


Dayu woke up from a very peculiar dream. everything felt so real, the kiss with yue yue, it was his first real kiss with a girl after his kiss in elementary school he did back then with the girl next door.

The beast that hold him and sunk his teeth on his neck, he rubbed at the spot and startled himself about what he found, the wound was there, he rushed quickly to the look at himself in the mirror, he had the urge to reach for his glasses but weirdly his vision was clearer than usual.

The trace of bite was there. He rubbed at it and felt the longing he couldn't explain. He slumped on the floor thinking carefully about the last night event.

The pain was real he remember about it, he felt like he was walking through hell and back, the sharp sensation of the torn of his skin on his stomach he can still feel it. His every cell was on fire, he felt like his nerve was being pulled outside of his body, he was expecting death but it never come.

Then Dayu also can felt the soothing sensation, there were warm hands and also the blowing stroke of thousands atomic size hands that seeping through his pores taking care of his pain almost to the core of his cells, trying to heal the broken mess of his system.

Was it the same feeling of the first creation, thing appeared out of nothing? It was the feeling of death and reborn.

Dayu went to school with a mix feeling, he felt that he could walk twice faster, his lungs expand quicker when he inhale , his eye balls move quicker observing his surrounding, his hearing felt sharper, what's happen with him?

With a heavy step he arrived at his school and was searching immediately for the solace of his heart that he refuse to admit. He didn't know himself but it seems telling all the burden even the small one with Qing will help to ease his uneasy feeling.

He thought Qing was late that day but after the end of the school he didn't show up, it was strange because qing never get sick before, while him in other hand is easy to catch a cold.

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