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I suppose you would like to know who I am huh ?

Well im a 16 year, I mean 17 my birthday just passed. Im brown but everyone says people in my race are black. I'm smart, extremely outgoing, spontaneous, fun to be around, and different from my peers. I love shopping and fashion. Music is my life. I can dance my ass off, slow dance, hip-hop, jazz, ballet, tap you name it. I can draw as well. The list of things I can do goes on but let's go deeper, shall we?

I'm from all over I've lived in 10 different cities. I've had a pretty rough life and seen some things no one should ever have to witness. Some people may wonder how I'm even able to smile or laugh but only if they knew my story. I don't talk about my past so, everyone thinks im this mature happy young lady who laughs all the time, as well as doing something productive with her life. I like it that way.

There's a reason i'm so smart and mature but they'll never know. My mom has been in and out of my life cause she did drugs if 2 Chainz mad the song "Crack" a couple of years ago that would have been one of her theme songs. My dad he's another story. He was there but somewhere somehow things went left. I love my parents though don't get the wrong impression. While they were doing them I had to live with family. I live well that's not important. I've been through so much as a child that I was force to grow up so quick and mature at a young age.

Now i'm 17 with a grown woman's body so I've been told plenty of times. I wear a size 9/10 in pants, flat tummy, and a 36 C in bra size. I have light milk chocolate colored skin color & i’m 5'7. I attract a lot of grown men and when I tell them my real age they don't believe me. What do I have to lie for? Then they hit me with that "age aint nun but a number" cliche, yeah right. The highest im going is 3 years older than myself and that's pushing it if you ask me.

I'm happy with my love bug Sunny. That's not his real name but, he brightens my day so it fits. Corny right? He's 19 we've been together for almost 3 years , I met him when i was 14. My mom loves the kid like he came out her cu'duh'mama. My dad however just came around completely a year ago after hearing how i'm doing big things. Anywho Sunny hates all the attention I get at school and elsewhere but being with a pretty girl comes with its flaws. I'm not happy with all the attention he gets either but it doesn't bother me as much as it bothers him because I know he will do the right thing by me as I have by him for years.

High school is cool now I got all A's and B's and one C right now which is close to being a B by the way. Yes, i’m a nerd but a cool nerd so i don't care. My friends come to me for everything advice, help, to vent, and to laugh, oh and someone to act goofy with. They can tell me everything about them and I don’t tell them anything that I don’t want to get around or wouldn’t tell the world my dang self. I got trust issues and I ain’t talking about drake. Ha, whoa I crack myself up. Anywho, i’m their best friend but they ain’t mine. Not to be rude I do love them and keep it 100 with them and will help them/be there when/ however I can but my best friends is Sunny and my crew.

I’m an only child but i'm boy, book, and street smart. I can thank my parents for putting me through the hardships for that. Although at times I hated them, sort of, in the end I came out a stronger person. My mom is clean we live in a 3 bedroom condo and my dad is almost clean but he doesn’t live with us. This ain’t your normal story I may talk directly to you. Maybe you’ll be my next best friend who knows what the future holds… 

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