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— Run & Hide detailed description

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— Run & Hide detailed description

Christina Grey is tired. Moving towns three times in a short span does that to a person, especially when your forced to leave your life behind every time, with no power in your hand.

With a dark past daunting and hiding in her shadows, she goes through life day by day like the breath she takes may be her last one. She's supposed to lay low, duck her head down and keep people at an arm's length and away from her.

Or at least what she say she will do every time, with no avail.

Walking into Eastwood High on her first day as a senior, she's set her expectations ground level low—only when her five-three-foot height is met with Adrian Parker's seemingly skyscraper like silhouette, plans change.

She has a short temper, he is in complete starstruck to say something and his friends happen to be there, laughing their asses off at the new girl who, apparently, takes no shit.

And they land in detention, where to everyone looking into their lives, that's where the shit-storm starts. But in reality, their lives have always been messy and quiet crappy—but you don't know that, until secrets start to unravel.

— three+ romances' description.

1 | Christina Grey walks through life with a heavy heart and a body lined with battle scars, always on edge, afraid of the moment where her life might go up in flames, burning everyone she lets in with it. With a past as dark as hers, she switches towns with her dad, hoping for a chance to live life normally for once.

But by the end of her very first day, she'd already intertwined her path with Adrian Parker's and his group, stepping into a closet with almost as much skeletons as her own. Incident after another, she realizes the depth behind the guy everyone colored black and colors him gold, with a halo on top of his head, like the angel he is.

And the angel she falls for.

Putting her fast growing feelings on hold is seemingly impossible, especially when they're mutual. Grief, past heartbreaks and family betrayals — they'll never have to face their issues alone again because they now have each other and neither plan on letting go.

2 | Amber Ross's been through three grueling years and has had her heart stomped over too many times by non other than the supposed love of her life. So when the new girl in town becomes her best friend, hereby introducing her to the Parker fam,she takes the chance to break free with grateful hands and lands a couple of friends who become her family.

All but one caramel-eyed mischievous, seemingly-always-angry player, who manages to get under her skin and makes her question everything she knows about life, love and her own self. The tough part? The thousand storms constantly riling up underneath his skin and the demons dancing in his shadows.

3 | There's a tragic story that no one knows, about a beautiful green-haired princess, who's always hated herself for being weak and drowned her sorrows behind closed doors and onto her pillows at night, thinking she'd never be happy. But there's a nobleman who's always stood behind doors to make sure that she'd be okay, holding her when her world crumbled, wiping away her tears.

Love they shared, but struggling to admit it out loud, the world around them threatens to tear them apart and all they have left is the longing need for each other's comfort. After all,one can never live without their anchor, right?

 After all,one can never live without their anchor, right?

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the pain I try to hide.

❝ I was taught young how to be stone cold, self-reliant, to hold myself high and poised, with a ready smile and a subtle charm ready to conquer the world. So I learned from early on to only cry behind closed doors, on dim lights, without sound, to howl in pain silently, to break down without anyone knowing, and to never ask for help. Because when no one sees you suffering, do you really suffer? Much like, if a tree falls in the middle of the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? I can always just pretend that whatever pains me never happened, and I can go back and face the world like I'm okay. ❞

— e p i g r a p h —

you intertwined your fingers with mine, and suddenly, life made sense.

and maybe it wasn't so bad after all, even if the sunshine isn't that bright, like everyone thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2020 ⏰

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