Chapter 30: The Capital

Start from the beginning

"Everyone!" The guild focused on me in an instant. Eevee and Pikachu both made sure everyone was quiet by sitting in front of us. "We have another mission. This time the whole guild needs to help with it."

"What is it?" Levy asked.

"It's called the Adamant Orb," Ash answered. "And it's something we need to find fast."

"What for?" Mira asked.

I lowered my head with my eyes closed. "We're going back in time." Everyone gasped as I said it. "And we need the orb to call Dialga."

"Dialga..." Levy said in thought. "Isn't that one of the legendaries you were talking about before?"

I nodded. "The Adamant Orb is part of Dialga itself, as the Lustrous Orb is to Palkia. They both come from our world." I saw Lucy glare at me in the corner of my eye. I hated being ignorant about my time in Fiore, but it was the best way to explain it. "Natsu believes it's here in Fiore. That's why we need everyone to look for it."

"What does it look like, Ellie?" Papa asked with his arms crossed.

I pulled out my Pokèdex and opened it up. Ash stared in wonder at what i was doing. I connected to the lacrima, and finally pressed the button that pulled the picture of the orb up on the screen. "See how it has diamond shaped surfaces?" I could hear the murmuring of understanding. "Now that you all know what it looks like, we need every wizard to be looking for it."

"Hold on," Levy interrupted. "Why do you need to go back in time?"

Levy was so observant, I grinned a little from her smarts. "We have to find a Pokémon," I answered. "One that can travel through time."

"Isn't that Dialga though?"

"No, this is a different one." Ash answered this time. "It's one I've personally met before." I turned my head to look at him at this. Even Celebi? "Celebi can travel through time and bring others along with it. Dialga actually controls it." He grinned as he quoted my words from before.

I grinned back. "And the only way we can get in contact with him is with that orb. That's why we need to find it."

"How do you know it's here?" Levy put in. I glanced at Lucy, knowing she asked too.

"What we do know is it's missing in Ellie's other world," Lucy answered. I felt a warm rush as she said my 'other world' like it was somewhere I didn't belong. "But Natsu believes it is here in Fiore somewhere."

Gray humphed in annoyance. "I'll believe that when it happens."

"Let's start with seeing if we have any leads," Wendy said. "Has anyone seen or hear anyone say anything about finding a giant jewel?"

Everyone shook their heads. I sighed. "Well, maybe we can start with some peddlers. Every team needs to go to each town and see if anyone has found it or bought it from anyone. Erza, would you do the honor of sending the teams?" I looked down at her in hope.

She smiled. "Of course, Ellie. Leave it to me."

Erza went along with it, and in no time flat we had over twenty teams out searching for the orb. I decided to go somewhere else though instead of searching. I wanted to take Natsu and Lucy as well as the other trainers with me. I went up to Makarov. "Papa, Fiore is a kingdom, right?"

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