Don X 10

3.7K 126 47

Votes -

Shouto Todoroki/Ketsuka Bakugou - 19   [FIRST PLACE]

Izuku Midoriya/Ketsuka Bakugou - 2          [FOURTH PLACE]

Eijirou Kirishima/Ketsuka Bakugou - 8      [SECOND PLACE]

Katsuki Bakugou/Ketsuka Bakugou - 2 [FOURTH PLACE]

Hitoshi Shinsou/Ketsuka Bakugou - 4        [THIRD PLACE]

On October 20th, all pairings with two votes will be eliminated.


Ketsuka stood in front of U.A., admiring its high walls and "amazing" security.

It couldn't be that remarkable since she'd snuck by it maybe twice, right? Not that it really mattered at the moment - she was just waiting for her brother, so she didn't have to enter the school. 

Because she was homeschooled (with Katsuki's notes being her main guidance on the curriculum), she was given permission by their parents to pick her brother up from school and walk home with him.

They must have been feeling generous.

Hearing the bell ring loud and clear, Ketsuka straightened her back, her rather bland clothes ruffling slightly in the light breeze.

Students filed out of the building not too long after, and she scanned the crowd in hopes of finding her brother. But, instead of spotting a head full of spiky ash blond hair, she spotted one of red and white. Focusing on the person, her gaze traced down to a pair of mismatched eyes staring right back at her.

Recognizing the multi-colored boy as Shouto, she offered him a polite wave an a small smile. Noticing this, Shouto slowed his strides, before turning towards her and making his way through the flood of students.

A little startled by the reaction, Ketsuka looked at her feet, breaking the eye contact; she didn't look back up again until she saw a different pair of legs and shoes standing before her. And, guessing by the fact that she hadn't been greeted by a nudge and a shout, she assumed that Shouto had indeed decided to meet with her for reasons unknown.

Ketsuka awkwardly greeted him again with a meager "hello," and a tilted head. The boy smiled slightly to be polite, returning the greeting.

"You're waiting for your brother?" The question had an obvious answer, but neither of them mentioned that fact.

Ketsuka nodded. "He usually takes a while though, so I'll probably be standing here for a long time." A light giggle followed her words, though it was more nervous than anything. Quite clearly she was flustered by the sudden confrontation and conversation.

"I see." Shouto paused. "Would you like me to  join you?"

Her eyes blinked several times, and she did a double-take before quickly shaking her head, waving her hands back and forth as her nose and ears turned a light shade of pink. "Oh - no, no, it's okay, I'm sure you have more important things to attend to right now, I shouldn't keep you here..."

Her only response was a deadpan stare, stubborn and determined, so she relented with a soft sigh and a shrug, before smiling at him.

"Well, if you insist...are you sure you want to?"

"I wouldn't have asked if I wasn't."

"Ah..." Ketsuka's nose darkened again out of embarrassment, looking at the floor again and she saw Shouto move himself so he was standing just to her right, facing in the same direction.

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