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Hello everyone, welcome to the first BASH chapter.

Here, I basically answer questions about the story.

While there is only one question so far, I think I should answer it, since it's a good question.

@Neko_screamo asked What ketsuka actually age

I'll take this opportunity to explain some of Ketsuka's Quirk. I don't have a title or name for the Quirk, but for now let's name it Chameleon for a lack of a better one.

Basically, right now, Chameleon changes her hair color and length based on her most dominant emotion, as well as her age, appearance-wise.

Red | Happy

Orange  | Energetic

Yellow | Confused

Green | Neutral

Blue | Angry

Purple | Curious

Pink | Annoyed/Frustrated/Disappointed, etc.

Brown | Mixed Emotions

Black | Flustered

White | Focused

Gray | Worried/Panicked

Longer |  Stronger felt emotion

Shorter | Minor felt emotion

If she's back at her 'chronological age' (the age she 'should be,' based on her D.O.B., which is 14 at the moment), her hair color does not change, nor does the length, since Chameleon is not being used.

There are two 'bodies' - the 'normal body' and the 'shifters' body.' Basically, any time Chameleon is being used, she's in her 'shifter's body' - a body different than the one she would have if she had her normal hair color, length, and age, which is her 'normal body.'

^^sorry if that makes no sense.

Also worth noting, is that, she can't live forever, age-wise as long as she can't control Chameleon. The longest period of time she can stay at one age is 24 hours so, if she wanted to be a baby again, she'd grow one year older each day, if she could control what age she went to next and how long.

Unfortunately, our little Ketsuka isn't that able quite yet and the record time she's set for maintaining one age is about 13 to 14 hours, and she has ways to go still with controlling Chameleon.

Back to the question, she ages 'chronologically,' and since Chameleon can't be maintained for all that long and can't be used consecutively (since, depending on the period it is used, the amount of time before Chameleon can be used again can increase or decrease), she will return to her 'normal age' and still grow older.

Well I hope this BASH chapter helped a bit, and again I apologize if none of that made sense.

Please, feel free to ask me questions about this story and I'll do my best to answer them.

Peace out!

King of Trash

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