"This is a good thing Stone, now breath, you earned this title now own it and let it settle in that you are the authority," he looks at her proudly.

She smiles as the butterflies in her stomach die down and she gets serious yet calm.

"Good, because we are about to begin," The camera crew closes the door behind them as the officer who is to pass the metal of Command from Austin to Stone walks up to them.

"Alright, we shall begin. Commanders to the side please," The four other U.S. Commanders walk to the left side of the desk.

"Repeat after me Commander Austin. I, state your name, hereby relinquish my title as Commander of the Supernaturals' International Deployment Organization."

"I, Austin J. Stephen, hereby relinquish my title of Commander of the Supernaturals' International Deployment Organization." The officer continues, so Austin follows, "I, Austin J. Stephen give my Command, and my Units to Amoura Stone, my replacement of my own choosing."

"Good now, Amoura Stone you repeat after me. I, state your name, hereby take hold of the title U.S Commander in the Supernaturals' International Deployment Organization."

"I, Amoura A. Stone, hereby take hold of the title U.S. Commander in the Supernaturals' International Deployment Organization."  The officer nods before continuing, "I, state your name, will abide by the code of the Supernaturals' International Deployment Organization and I will do my very best to lead my men to victory."

"I, Amoura Stone, will abide by the code of the Supernaturals' International Deployment Organization and I will do my best to lead my men to victory." 

He nods and lets Austin ask the questions he's as her predecessor has to ask, "Do you Amoura Stone, honor the pledge you made and vow to follow and lead the men and woman who have taken the same vows as you into battle with the faith of bringing them home?" Austin looks at Amoura, "I do." 

"Then I am honored to call you the next Commander of the U.S branch." Austin smiles as they remove his Commander pin and pin it to Amoura's chest.

The Commanders clap, "congratulations Stone." He smiles at her, and the knowledge of him making the right choice settles in "Thank you, sir, its an honor to replace you. I will do my best for those who need help." Amoura and Austin shake hands, "I'd expect nothing less."

Amoura turns and shakes hands with the other Commanders who congratulate her. The camera turns off and Austin leans into her side, "you can stop being so ridge now." 

"I would if I could," Amoura mutters back as they walk out the Commander's office. "To think I could feel like there was something I couldn't accomplish." Austin shrugs, "you're just feeling overwhelmed by the power," He uses hands gestures to indicate big. "You'll get you to it." He puts his hands down, "the butterflies die out eventually?" 

"No, you just get use them." Amoura looks at him"Oh geez thanks, would have been nice to know that before I became Commander." He smiles at her, so he can still teach her something, "you're not a good Leader if you stop fearing for your troops lives Stone."

They walk up to the door and wait to be introduced before walking in, Amoura quickly catches her father's eyes. They clap as they make their way to the podium so Austin can give a speech about his retirement and about Amoura. After him, Amoura gives a quick speech and ends with thanking them all for being here tonight.

He motions for Amoura to give a few words but before she could speak the doors open and multiple humans walk in, they yell for them all to go to hell before blowing themselves up.

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