I swallowed hard, deciding not to start a fight. "We drive the same car."

"Aw," Louis made a weird noise. "How adorable. It probably took you a while to get used to a sports car."

"What?" I frowned as I looked at him. "What are you talking about?"

"Well, you know, I imagined him as someone who likes sports cars."

I chuckled. "Now that's adorable," I mumbled to myself before clearing my throat, "Nope, we drive a Mini Cooper."

Louis nearly stopped the car when the words left my mouth. "Seriously?" He looked at me in the rear-view mirror, his eyes widened. "You're kidding, right?"

"What, what's wrong with Mini Coopers?" I snapped back.

"What guy buys himself and his future wife a Mini Cooper?"

With a slight roll of my eyes, I looked in front of myself again and sighed. "It's mine."


"The Mini. It's my car, which I bought with my own money."

Silence. If only he'd realized that was what I've been looking for two minutes before. Not now, when he started finding out about the bits of my life.

"Oh," Was all he said, and he didn't say it until a minute later. He was most likely shocked, which I wouldn't be surprised about; everyone goes through a mild state of astonishment upon finding out that our car was technically my car.

"And-and you live in your apartment? As in, your apartment?" Just what I've been waiting for.

I pressed my lips together for a second, "Yep."

I noticed Louis nod from the corner of my eye, as we kept sitting there in silence. I'd be lying if I said I didn't take a glance at him, and when I did, I was not at all surprised by the look on his face; he almost looked happy. He just found out that his ex girlfriend is getting married to someone who can't afford an apartment nor a car. Why wouldn't he be happy about it?

"Sorry for asking..." He trailed off for a moment, and I knew what was coming. "What does he do for a living?"

"He's a tattoo artist," I said, matter-of-factly, and looked at Louis as he nodded a few firm times.

"Of course he is," He mumbled, presumably not wanting me to hear, but failed at that. As much as I wanted to start a fight, I knew I couldn't; he already had stronger arguments than me, even though he knew little to no facts about my fiancé.

"What do your parents think about him?" I couldn't help but hear Caitlyn's voice in my head. Only hers was a lot more shocked and angry. Let's just say, she wasn't very fond of Ashton.

"My mum likes him," I replied shortly, once again knowing what question he was going to ask next.

"What about your dad?"

"He hasn't met him," I said nearly before he'd finished his sentence.

"What-why?" Louis stuttered, his eyes leaving the road for a few seconds so he'd look at me, while I kept staring ahead.

"My mum told him about... him." I frowned slightly at my poor choice of words. "He didn't exactly... you know, he wasn't excited about meeting him."

"So he never did?"

I closed my eyes for a second and shook my head, "No... but they're both coming to London in a couple of weeks, so... they're finally going to meet."

Louis nodded again as I exhaled, happy with my answers. It's not like I told him something I don't tell everyone else.

"It's okay." For the first time, Louis surprised me. "My mum didn't like how Shannon sounded, and grew to like her when they met. I'm sure your dad's gonna understand why you love him."

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