Chapter 6 - Temptation

Start from the beginning

Oh, that's the way, uh-huh uh-huh,
I like it, uh-huh, uh-huh.
That's the way, uh-huh uh-huh,
I like it, uh-huh, uh-huh.

Regina bit her lower lip. Emma was a terrible singer but somehow it was very cute it made the mayor lose control over her facial muscles and forced the corner of her lips to creep up into a wide smile. "That idiot." She whispered to herself. The urge had become too strong and Regina crept closer to the bathroom door, hardly making any noise. Then boldly peeked around the corner. A cloud of steam was blocking the mayor's view. "Tsk..." She grumbled annoyed. With a little magic, Regina made the steam disappear and instantly her eyes were well rewarded for her action. Emma was holding her toothbrush like it was a microphone.

When I get to be in your arms,
When we're all all alone,
When you whisper sweet in my ear,
When you turn, turn me on,

Regina cringed on the saviour's out of tune singing, her eyes examining her naked body, the water streaming down the youngster's curves. Regina felt her cheeks heat up in a direct response to the unfolding scene. That wasn't the only thing to heat up, soon the mayor had found herself quite aroused. "Damn it all..." She cursed momentarily looking away in shame. Then when she looked back, her heart stopped. Emma was looking right at her. Like a deer in the headlights, Regina found herself unable to move a muscle. Emma smirked widely, tauntingly sticking her wet leg outside the shower doors. "Want to join me Regina?" She asked. Now pressing her butt against the glass. It took a mental slap in the face for Regina to finally snap out of the trance she had found herself trapped in. Regina had never walked down the stairs such a speed before. "No no no..." She got to the kitchen and took a glass of water.


Emma had wrapped a towel around her head, keeping her wet hair in place. She walked into the living room to find the mayor at her desk with a glass of wine.

"Isn't it a little early for wine madam mayor?" Emma asked, raising her eyebrows up in question.

"Maybe." Regina returned a smile.

"Look... About earlier-" Emma wanted to apologise. She knew she had made the older woman uncomfortable.

Regina interrupted. "Stop. Just... Stop." A sigh rolled off her lips, staring at her glass of wine which
was almost empty. "I don't know what is going on between us but whatever it is..." The mayor thought carefully about what she was going to say next. Deep down, Regina was scared. Scared she'd lose Emma too; like she lost Daniel, her father. She was a villain, and villains couldn't get happy endings. "It needs to stop." Regina said, feeling Emma's lingering look stay on her. "I..."

"It's okay Regina." Emma gave her a reassuring smile even though Regina could see she was faking. Regina could easily spot the disappointment in the other's eyes and felt guilty for being its cause.

"I did have a whole family day planned out for us..." Hesitantly, Emma's lips had formed the words. It was supposed to be a surprise but now she wasn't even sure if Regina still wanted her around or not.


"He'll be here around one, David was going to drop him off." Emma carried on.

"Sure. Family day. Sounds fun." Regina mustered a weak smile. Of course she was all too happy to spend the day with Henry. Still she wasn't so sure about her and Emma anymore. Things were complicated, and Regina could not find an exit yet.

"Okay... Breakfast?" Emma asked, making an attempt to break the awkward silence.


"Moms!" Henry came running towards his two mothers, his arms already spread wide while David was watching from a distance. "Henry!" Regina was pushed a little back by the force the little man put in his hug. He was getting bigger, a fact Regina was not always eager to welcome.

Regina and David exchanged looks while she still had Henry's arms wrapped around her waist. Emma took notice on the tension between the two and decided to find out about her father's intentions. "Hey dad." She said.

David sighed, not able to hide his discomfort. "Emma, are you sure of this?" He asked.

"So I take it you and mom haven't changed your minds about this matter?" Emma replied, keeping her voice down so that Regina and Henry wouldn't have to hear.

"She isn't good for you Emma. You mistaking her for a friend when all she wants is Henry."

"That's not true. Regina personally asked for my help."

"She is trying to gain your trust so when you least expect it she can take Henry for herself."

"You are paranoid." Emma said, instantly getting frowned at by her father.

"Please try and give her a chance. If not for her, for me. Please." Emma pleaded.

David sighed, going weak under the puppy eyes of his daughter. "I'm giving it a chance, otherwise I wouldn't have brought Henry." David smiled. "We don't always have to agree with each other but Emma we will always respect and support your decision. Your mom and I just want what's best for you, you know that right?"

Emma gave a weak nod then leaned into David's hug. "Dad..." Part of her wanted to tell him, tell him she felt like going insane because she was falling in love with the Evil Queen. Still, it ought to be better to wait for the right time to tell them. He and Snow might just lock her up in her room forever.


Even though Regina very much appreciated being outside again, she never could've guessed Emma's choice were to be a pick nick. It had been so long since Regina had felt the sun caress her skin, the summer breeze that blew past her. Never did she care to wander this far off into the forests of Storybrooke. Of course the saviour had a sense of adventure like her parents, still with no plan whatsoever. Regina thought it was foolish, but could not help but admire that about her. Though that thought was quick to fade as the sheriff led them through the thickest part of the forest.

"I'm not really fond of nature." Regina complained as she pushed a few branches aside that had struck her face just like many others had done.

"What do you mean? It's wonderful out here." Emma said walking in front.

"I'm saying I'm not very dressed for the occasion." Regina snarled feeling a sudden urge to hit the saviour and curse her ideas.

"I told you we were going out for a picnic. Who wears heels to a picnic?"

"Well you never told us you we were going to take a bloody expedition through the forest!"

Henry was pacing after the two, deciding to keep unprejudiced about this matter.

"Would you calm down? We're almost there."

"C-Calm down?! Don't speak to me in that tone Ms. Swan!" Regina clenched her jaw in frustration, her blood boiling.

"Or what? You'll punish me?" Emma turned back, a wide smirk written on her face.

"I might." Regina's lips curled up in a playful smile.

"What... is going on here?" Henry then asked, breaking the static tension between the two.

"Nothing kid. Just a small disagreement." Emma said, breaking eye contact with the mayor and turning her back once more.

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