"Fuck you Stephen !, your having a child with another woman not me so leave me alone , I fucking quit I want my money before I leave Asia now get out my room!"
"Get out!" I screaming not caring that the other people in their rooms sleeping can probably hear.

Surprisingly he left  , I sign resting my head on the wall, I took a breath before going to take a shower.

Right as I was putting on my eyeliner there was a knock before Mathew opens the door. He smiles at me sitting on the bed watching me put on make up from the bed room, he was staring intensely making me blush .

"You don't need make up darling you are beautiful without it," I smile putting down my Kylie lip stick walking over to where he was sitting.

I lean down placing a kiss on his lips, I find it so sweat when boys say that to their girlfriends.

He was so sweat to me I'll start calling us goals soon , even though we aren't officially together .
"Did you get lipstick on me?" He ask chuckling .
"Nope your good," thanks to Kylie of course she made this lipstick so that won't happen.

I sat on his lap taking his phone from in his hands putting on the camera, it assured me he had nothing to hide since he was unfazed by me taking his phone. I smiled taking a selfie , he press his lips to my cheek and I took another picture then for the last pictured I turned my head kissing him.

I smile look through the pictures, I always found international couples cute and we kinda are one even though I look more on the Caucasian side I was still mixed with a lot of other things .

And I think Matthew is also Irish and German mixed, I'd like to see how our children would look.

Wow there Mya calm down , you don't even know if he wants children and that brings my mind to Zac.

"Not that I want you to get off my lap darling but we should get going , I want to go to a coffee shop," I stand taking his hand leaving the room.

We walked a while to find the closest coffee shop which was five minutes away.

Thank god he's renting a car and a really nice one too , I guess he has more money than he leads on.

We talked a little during the drive , when we get out he comes around opening the door for me taking my hand. I ligit can't with this man , please oh please marry me.

We order our coffees before we take a seat at a table , he stirs his coffee staring up at me curiously like he was thinking about something.
"What ?" Wanting to know what he was thinking.

"I'm not trying to intrude on your privacy but who is the kid as your lock screen you haven't mentioned a child other than Riley and Sam,"
I bite my lip nervously looking down my phone , Zac's picture visible sitting on the beach smiling at the camera. I couldn't help but smile back in adoration , I really love that kid , and if Matthew isn't into being somewhat of dad or co-guardian of Zac then that's fine with me he can leave.

I sit up a little more confidently before diving into explanation about Zac.

It took about two minutes with me explaining part by part until I was leading up to the end.
"So now I have to leave Asia in two days to find a house before they let him come America, and after it is confirmed I'll get to permanently name him," I say over excited .

His Maid ( rewriting )Where stories live. Discover now