Chapter 25: 8 months

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|| Riley's birthday ||

Three weeks past .
Stephen and I got in a fight, breaking up to Ayesha's amusement of course which lead me to take "vacation" and stay at Veronica's apartment.

*Flash back*

I carry the box of pizza inside following an over excited Riley and Sam. Since we took Riley from the after party at Dray's about two hours ago she's been excited about playing with Sam.

Veronica holds the door for me following me inside ,I rest the pizza on the counter looking around.
"It's a little bit to quiet ,don't you think?," she glance after the children who ran out back to the yard.
"Where's Wardell and Ayesha?" She ask.

I struggle about to head out back also but we hear movement upstairs.
Veronica and I look at each other for a split second , I could see the difference in our reactions. Veronica was obviously in rage while I was hurt / heart broken.
"Oh hell no!"
She grabs my arm dragging me up the stairs literally kicking open the door.

God I wish she just left me down stairs .... Don't cry Mya please don't .

Stephen scramble off Ayesha picking up his jersey quickly. Ayesha stays on the bed smirking topless.

I rip my hand out of Veronica's grip rushing down the stairs. I could hear Stephen coming after me and Veronica cursing at Ayesha.
"Mya ! Mya wait!," he calls after me.
I get to the kitchen getting my handbag but he catch me before I could exit.

"Mya!, stop I'm sorry!"He tries touch me .
I slap his hand away from me.

"Don't you dear touch me," I growled at him.
He signs looking down at the floor then back at me . It was as if he was trying to showing regret but to bad I've heard enough bullshit to know bullshit when I see bullshit.
"Listen I'm sorry I didn't-"
"Fuck you mean you didn't!! Stop lying do I even matter to you? Or am I a play thing,"I shout.

He open his mouth to say something but all the memories of hearing things about Ayesha and him was all true!! Even what Ayesha was telling me.
"How long!?"
"I don't know what -"
"HOW FUCKING LONG STEPHEN!!," tears slowly slipped out against my will.
"Since..," he looks away from me." Since after the court day,"

Oh my god.... So the hotel night ..when we. It was Ayesha he was on the phone with wasn't it?

"All this time ," I shake my head turning away from him.
He rest a hand on my shoulder making me move away.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean for you to find out like this is just that I can't leave Ayesha now ,"He mumbles.

"Why?! Why is she so damn important !! Why is she so better than me!"
"It's not like that-"
"Aunty Mya where's mummy?" Sam ask cutting us off standing behind Stephen with Riley.

There was a scream upstairs and Veronica yelling "that's what u get you stupid Bitch!,"
Stephen takes off running upstairs probably to save his 'girl'.

"Sam go put on your shoes we're leaving," he nods his head running off.
Riley frowns.
"You and daddy fight again," she signs .
I squat in front her.
"Listen  Riley, your daddy loves your real mother and I'm just getting in the way so I'm gonna leave for a while a little vacation," I tell her hugging her close. "I'll come by for your birthday of course , I'll never miss your birthday but after the trip to Asia ....,"

She looks down pulling away knowing what I meant after .
"I have to go now ,I'm sorry Riley,"
Veronica comes running down the stairs.
"Come on let's get out of here , I twisted queen bitch weave !," she laughs

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