Chapter 2: Daddy

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                         I sit in this house feeling like I'm under house arrest, I'm not allowed to leave unless Stephen is with me .
What the fuck is wrong with him?
Does he think I'm Riley or something ? Next thing you know he'll want me to call him 'daddy'.

I pass my hand over the bruised skin flinching, my arm still tender from when he grabbed me earlier to pull me out the Cavaliers changing room , I still can't believe he did that, that was extremely embarrassing.

" Mya let's go !" He orders latching his large hand around my arm.
I wasn't gonna fight back, I was gonna let him drag me out to save myself from more embarrassment.

But Kyrie wasn't gonna allow that sadly.
why god? Why can't people just stay out of my job situations?! I know Kyrie is just trying to look out for me, but I've learnt to just let Stephen control everything . It was easier that way.
" Stephen you need to chill the fuck out and let her go ," Kyrie says calmly sitting up swinging his legs off the bed.
Stephen glares daggers at him tugging me towards the door .

Kyrie some how managed to get off the bed and grab my free arm pulling against his hold making me stumble back and causing Stephen to lose his grip on my arm . Stephen spins back to us, his eyes went from pair of us to Kyrie's hold on my arm then to his face. Stephen in a split second was up to us, eyes wide with rage he push me aside surprisingly not roughly but strong enough to push me into a chair putting me to sit .

"This has nothing to do with you Irving you should try minding your business maybe that's why your ass is here," Stephen growls lowly getting up in his face .
Kyrie push him back making Stephen stumble back .
" At least I can still make 3s without missing 98% of them ," He shot back .

All I heard was a loud thump and Kyrie was on the floor holding his jaw .
Stephen grabs my arm once more dragging me out the changing room leaving a stunned Kyrie on the ground.
        I bend over kissing Riley's head covering her sleeping body with her pink butterfly blanket. I walk out the bedroom shutting the door quietly , going to the living room getting my handbag making my way out the main house.

" and where do you think you're going ? " I hear the devil himself ask .
I stop turning around to him, I was about to say something but my thoughts slip from my mind when I notice his bare chest.
Weird, I've seen him shirtless plenty of times what's the difference now?
"uh-um .." pull yourself together Mya !
" home, am I not allowed to go home without you up my ass too? You're always welcome to come over ! Sleep in my bed and drink my coffee !" I say sarcastically .

I walk out the door not waiting for him to reply but of course he wants to be heard on everything .
"Babe don't forget it's still my house and everything in it is mine ....everything ,"
I roll my eyes not bothering to reply walking down the cobble stoned steps to my front door .
" so tell me why you're still working for him ?" I hear Blake's slurred voice ask through the phone .
" I don't know ... I need the money and this is the best job I can get that pays this well ,"
" oh please I ca-,"
"$2,500 a week in cash ,"
"What the fuck! Why so much you don't do shit ,"
" oh hush ! I'm their house keeper slash babysitter slash organizer slash..."
"Technically he's paying you to be his wife," he laughs through the phone . " just he doesn't get the ass, at least not yet ,"
" he isn't getting this ass ,ever."
" denial is the first stage baby girl,"
I sigh looking over at the clock on the white pained wooden side table and groan .
" Blake I gotta go , I got an hour before slavery starts," He laughs agreeing on the slavery duties with a simple hum before he hangs up.
I get off my bed going over to the window , peeping through looking to the main house , Stephen bedroom light was already on identifying that he was already up .

                   I got dressed in 30 minutes and had a sip of coffee, my usual morning routine so I don't pass out during the day. I pass the mirror on my way to the door and stopped walking backwards to the mirror. I looked somewhat terrible, my hair was in a messy bun , I wore white Jean shorts , a over sized white warriors jersey and white sandals to match. White is probably a bad color to wear while taking care of a two year old but I wasn't in the mood to change at the moment.

I walk across the wet lawn ignoring the rock pathway that leads to the house, that path had unnecessary swirls to enhance the fancy backyard decor, usually I would take it but with my shitty mood the grass was a better option cutting the walk shorter. On entering I take a look around at the living room which was a little messy, you were on the clock now so it's better you get cleaning before Stephen blow a fuse.
I hear the door open and shut , I didn't have to look to know Stephen went for his morning run.

Spotless . Finally now I can rest and k-
" morning mama !" I hear Riley say hopping into my sight sitting on the couch .
"Morning baby ," I kiss her head going to the kitchen ."pancakes ?" I ask already knowing the answer.
" yay!" She cheers over excitedly .

* 3:40 pm *
                    I sat on the lawn chair by the pool watching Riley play on the stairs in the pool. I sigh slowly laying down relaxing, for once since the day began I can relax, I close my eyes soaking up the thankfully warm sun that barely shone through the many clouds .
" daddy can you make mama come in ?" I hear Riley ask making my eyes snap open .
"I would be delighted to ," He says coming into view as he lean over my body dripping wet from the pool .
I roll off the chair before he can grab me running off around the house , I could hear Stephen footsteps closer than I would like , I stopped moving to the side quickly letting him run pass slipping on the grass, but he quickly regain his balance chasing after me as I head back towards the pool which was a bad idea now that I think about it .
Wow way to go Mya making all the bad decisions today !

           It was to late to somehow trick Stephen again because his arms worms around my waist lifting me off the ground .
" Stephen stop! Please don't I have my phone ! My hair can't get wet! I swear if you throw me in I quit-"
I was thrown in the deep side going straight to the bottom. I see my phone and ear phones sinking pass me , I grab it before it could hit ground . Fuck you Stephen !

I swam up to the surface going to the edge pulling myself up to sit .
Riley loud scream like laughter was all I hear as my rage grew.

I get up walking to house mumbling loud enough for Stephen to hear ."I quit ," I've taken to much shit from him this has done it ,I'm done .
I make my way down the hall towards the front door but of course I don't make it .

Stephen pushes me against the wall, he had his hands on my shoulders refraining me from moving .
I try to wiggle my way out of his grip with no luck.
" let me go Wardell !" I say angrily .
"Calm down and think about what your doing ,"
" I know exactly what I'm doing! Getting the fuck away from you a-"
"And Riley , your gonna walk out her life like her mother ,". He says staring straight into my eyes.
Fuck.... why was his eyes so beautiful? Mesmerizing?

          He took my silence as a signal that he got to me.
But I didn't know that this conversation was gonna take an unexpected turn.
"And besides you won't leave me ," he moves his hold to my wrist pushing it up the wall and over my head. He held both semi tightly before leaning into my neck , I could feel his breath fanning across my skin making the tiny hairs raise. I prayed my legs won't give away with how weak they are right now , I also hoped I won't do something stupid like moan . " you are mine now ," He says grazing his lips with my ear dipping his head back to my neck with the mission of giving me a giant hickey .
" mama?"
Oh damn it Riley!.... I mean
Thank god for Riley .

Riley bent the corner coming to us smiling .
"Are you okay ?"
Stephen looked at her
" she's okay angel ,"
He looked back at me and stepped away .
" mama is just going to clean our rooms ,"
He picked Riley up and left back towards the pool.
..... That bitch!

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