"Mhm," Tony hums, not believing a word. "We- the Avengers- have yet to meet the Oh-So-Secretive Director. What makes you so special, kid?"

"Because I'm not a pain in his ass, Stark," she fires back. Skye then realizes being blunt and defensive right off the bat is not the way to go when Tony Stark starts smirking, so she cautiously takes a step back and offers up a sheepish shrug as an apology. Her attention is quickly diverted to the words being fed through the comm in her ear, she nodding along to whatever's being said before relaying it to the Avengers. "They have an extraction point about a hundred yards to the east. They want- wait, what?" She pauses, eyes darting to nothing in particular as she listens to her feed. "Did I just hear you correctly? He wants.. Okay," she then sighs. "I'll bring them in."

"Them? Do you mean us?" Tony scoffs. "Are we being collected to be disciplined?"

Skye rolls her eyes, but nods nonetheless. "You're not being disciplined. The Director just wants to have words with you. But-" she pauses, staring each of them in eye so they know she's being serious, "I'm warning you right now. You attack DC, you attack me. And trust me, you don't want to get on my bad side."

The Black Widow and Hawkeye seem to share amused glances, but Skye doesn't pay them much mind. Her attention is more focused on her soulmate who she's completely ignored and Tony Stark who can't seem to stop talking. Or scoffing as if offended.

"Jeez, Kid, just who exactly is this guy if you're so protective of him. What'd he do for you?"

Though it's Tony who's asked the question, Skye can't help that her attention is solely fixed on Captain America when she answers, "He gave me family. A home."

Steve frowns, but before he can get a word out there are a series of small explosions outside the warehouse and shouting. Tony curses as his face plate slides back down, and they all turn towards the sound of commotion. Fanned out, the Avengers and Skye are then faced with a wall of men carrying assault rifles that are pointed towards them. There's no warning whatsoever before they start firing, and before the Avengers can even think about scurrying for protection, Skye's hands fly out in front of her- finger-less gloved hands positioned as if she can stop the bullets.. which she does.

The Avengers watch on in awe as the bullets meant for them are redirected off course and the men targeting them, plus the towering crates behind them. are blown backwards as if hit by the blast of an explosion.

When the crates all come to a stand still and the warehouse is thrown into complete silence, the Avengers all turn to Skye.

"So that's why you're the Director's favorite," Iron Man muses, his face plate sliding up to reveal a too smug Tony.

Skye's eyes dart to Captain America and part of her slumps in relief to see he's staring rather curiously at her than in disgust. "The powers are new-ish," Skye finds herself spilling. "Mission gone awry led me to being exposed to terrigen crystals."

"You're an Inhuman," the Black Widow realizes.

Skye nods. "I am. I let my team quarantine me, run tests and do what they needed to do in order for all of us to understand what was going on with me. Long story short, I was an orphan up until a couple years ago when I suddenly wasn't. My powers were thrust upon me unwillingly, I learned control and now my team completely trusts me. I am not the enemy, agent Romanoff," she finishes, eyeing the agent warily since Skye saw the agent's hand twitch near her gun.

The Black Widow seems to get Skye figured out fairly quickly and relaxes her stance, and then Skye's attention is back on the voice in her ear. After a terse nod, Skye meets the gazes of the Avengers. "Agent May's waiting. We need to go."

Everyone seems to nod and then they're jogging to exit the warehouse, except for Tony who takes off flying, and Clint huffs. "It's about time we have a little face time with Coulson. Twenty says he goes for a dramatic revealing of his not-so-dead status."

Skye trips over her own two feet, but Steve's there catching her by the bicep and steadying her. "You knew?!"

"Everyone except for Tony," Steve assures her with a tight-lipped smile. "So the only thing you have to worry about is Tony's whining."

Skye gapes for a few moments before glancing over at agents Barton and Romanoff, and mumbles about spies and their tendencies to stick their noses in everything. They make it to the quinjet fairly quick and Tony's already waiting for them on the ramp sans his Iron Man suit and smirking at an all too familiar agent May.

Greetings are had and once settled in the quinjet with Skye joining agent May in the cockpit, everyone settles in for a smooth ride to the Playground.


Everyone follows agent May's lead as they disembark in an underground hangar. She tells them that the Director will want to see them right away, but before she can turn and lead them to Phil's office, May catches Skye reaching for Captain Rogers' wrist and stares at the contact waiting for an answer.

"We'll only be just a moment." Skye gulps as the rest of the Avengers stare at where she's gripping Steve as well. "It's kind of important I speak to him in private." She says no more, but her right hand is subconsciously rubbing over her hip and after seeing the gesture, May knows.

Of course, Steve's sudden blush from the tips of his ears and down his neck intrigue everyone, but before Tony can start with his snark, agent May's laughing and causing agents Barton and Romanoff to actually lose their stoniness and gape at the elder woman. "Coulson's gonna love this," she drawls.

Luckily for Skye and Steve, Tony's attention is now drawn to what agent May's just said and Skye offers her a thankful grin before pulling Steve one way while May ushers the others away from them. It takes Skye a couple of minutes to find an empty corridor and room, she dragging Steve in and pushing him deeper into the room so she can shut the door. Leaning against the now closed door, Skye sighs and tries to smile at Steve staring rather incredulously at her.

"I'm sorry," she immediately apologizes. "So, so sorry."

"About what?" Steve tenses, lips turning down in a frown. "Making my team suspicious or being so obvious about your disappointment in meeting your soulmate?"

"Both!" She blurts and then cringes at the squeak in her voice. "But I wasn't disappointed," Skye quickly amends. "So not disappointed," she clarifies with a quick once over of him.

Shifting from foot to foot, Steve frowns, but not because he's upset. He's curious. "Why did you ignore me when I realized who you were?"

"Because," Skye groans and pushes off the door, "you're an Avenger and I'm a SHIELD agent, and we were in the middle of an op! If there had been cameras or listening devices, I rather not paint an even bigger target on my or my soulmate's back. In our line of work, just having a soulmate who's in the same line of work is a blessing, but it's also a curse because it will eventually compromise us. "

Steve gapes as the words click in his mind, but then he's actually looking relieved while Skye looks like she's moments away from tearing out her hair. "So there's nothing going on between you and Coulson?"

"Wait- what?!"

It's Skye's turn to gape now and Steve shrugs, a grin slowly making itself known. "You sounded sweet on him back in the field. Very protective."

"God, no," she complains and actually cringes at the mental picture her brain's just conjured up. "Phil's like my dad."


And then before Skye can continue to babble about her connection to Phil, Steve's closing the gap between them and sealing his lips over hers.

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