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Hey I know my stories aren't that great but I really really hope you guys do enjoy reading them well thank you and enjoy

~ This will be your POV ~

"(hmm maybe I shouldn't wake him up)"  I thought

"(y/n) you look so... So " Luffy spoke softly and gave a big snore after nore super loud

"... I wonder what he might be dreaming about? " I looked at Luffy for a moment not sure how to react to this awkwardness

"wait a second.. how didn't I noticed this before! " I said in a loud whisper voice

"he ate all the food! Hmm that explains why his here...that baka"

He better have left some food, I thought to myself before opening the fridge

*sign* "of course.. He ate everything but the pie"

I grab a piece of pie and sit down in front of Luffy

"hmm I wonder... Why he said my name, was he dreaming about me? Wait how do I even know if he actually said my name for all I know he could had said Nami.It seems they get along pretty well in my opinion so probably "

"hmm is if morning already " Luffy said waking up

"oh shi* I'm so sorry captain I didn't mean to wake you up, Um I will go now sorry" I stood up and started heading to the door when Luffy grabbed my arm

"wait! (y/n)! "

"...yes caption? " I said while turning around to face him

"why do you always call me captain?"

"well what else am I supposed to call you your the caption and I to show I respect you I call you captain I thought that was obvious"

"I may be the Captain but I want you to call me Luffy :)"

"no thanks"

"what? "

"I'm not calling you Luffy that's unrespectful"

"(y/n) it's Captions orders you have to call me Luffy just like everyone else"

"....ugh fine "

I hate it so much he knows I'm like everyone else I can't refuse the captions orders when his serious like this

"so why are you awake at this hour (y/n) "

" I was hungry"

"me to "

"of course "

"also I was trying to make a cake "

"a cake? Why "

"for your birthday of course it's a surprise cake"

"(it definitely isn't a surprise now)" I thought

"wanna help me make it"

"you know what sure whatever"


-time skip (cake is finished) -

"ugh so Luffy have you ever cooked or baked before"



"Yeah but only once before I ended up almost burning the ship I was Lucky though"

"how? "

"we got caught in a storm and it started raining super hard" Luffy said laughing in the end

"(wow he really is an idiot) I think I got on the wrong ship"

"what? "

"oh nothing nothing"

Luffy just looked at lo me with a wide happy smiled it

"I think it turned out pretty good for my first time making a cake" Luffy said to me and looking quite proud and confident about it.
Honestly I was pretty worried about taking even a single bit.

Sorry it sounds so weird I'm still getting used to writing stories I like it but don't feel there that good 

Thanks for reading

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2017 ⏰

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