He was assaulted with her scent when it hit him. A clawed hand rushed up to tear it off his face and replace it on the table in a mess. Kayla rested her hand into Cody's, they waltzed out onto the floor together. When they were gone, Amarie stood there, forgotten by them, staring at Damian disapprovingly.

"What are you looking at?" He inquired.

She tightened her face into a thin frown, "Nothing." She quickly turned and sashayed away. Her cheer friends questioned her about Damian, but she quickly made him forbidden to them.

He couldn't help but smile, there were so many opportunities to ruin this stupid display of wealth the school had, it was tempting, but he wasn't here for that. Though, part of him craved for destruction, part of him anviously hated the way they were showing off their money, and part of him resented them for condemning him before they knew him. He wouldn't ruin anything though, he planned to be above that.

Just then the doors opened and he recognized Travis's squealing and Trixie's hissing instantly. He turned his head to face the direction in which they'd entered, accompanied by their human escorts. Travis and Trixie were already buzzing with alcohol, and the boy with Regina couldn't keep his hands to himself, or stop his eyes from wandering around the room to look at other girls as he touched her. He bristled. He could see in their eyes they had something big planned. He slowly stood, straightening his jacket as he did so, to meet them.

Kayla was smiling now, letting the music carry her soul away from the terrible time she was having. Her and Cody took full advantage of their time together, using the crowd as an alibi to get closer than they should. She dismissed Damian from her mind, and pretended she had arrived with Cody.

"Do you have any idea how beautiful you look tonight?" He said into her ear as they bounded with the music.

She felt her cheeks redden, "No, actually. I wasn't made of aware of it."

"He's crazy if he doesn't think you're beautiful." He said referring to Damian.

"Let's not talk about him," Kayla said, quickly, wrapping her arms around his neck, "let's forget about him. He shouldn't even be here."

Cody smiled and pulled her towards him, allowing themselves to orbit their own little spot on the floor gleefully. Their hips moved in the same rhythm, swaying together. Her eyes never left his, he felt like he could kiss her again, he was very tempted to. They hyped up other couples next to them together, creating laughter, and started a dance circle, featuring themselves first with a routine that they made up on the spot. People cheered them on, Kayla and Cody laughed gleefully. Many songs seemed to pass, with them enjoying each other as much as they possibly could. Sweat dribbled off her head, and wedged between her breasts, her feet were starting to get sore because she had forgotten to take her heels off. She began to get thirsty, so he reluctantly took her back to the table for a minute of rest.

The drink sat there abandoned. Her shawl slumped in the middle, surrounded by glass cups alone, and the chairs had no purpose. Kayla grabbed her shawl and wrapped it around her shoulders, looking for Damian, but he was nowhere to be seen.

Hopefully he's drowning in the fountain. She imagined darkly. She turned to Cody with a smile, about to suggest that he go find Amarie and promise she'd be alright on her own, when Travis and Trent approached. She scowled at them.

"Who you let you in?" She asked daringly.

They ignored her question and sized up Cody, "What are you doing with this puppy?" Travis asked.

"That's violating the contract." added Trent.

Cody gnarled, "You can shove the contract up your smelly ass!"

Trixie suddenly appeared behind them, prancing around Cody pleasurably and locking her gaze on Kayla, "If you're looking for Damian, he's with Regina." Her eyes bounced off into their direction.

Kayla followed it, and there he was in the corner, with Regina. There were many people walking by them so she couldn't see them clearly, but she saw enough to be able to tell that they were standing close, and he had his hands on her.

"So what?" She grumbled.

In reality, nothing was happening between Damian and Regina. In fact, he was only demanding to know what it was she and his cousins had up their sleeve, only to get silly giggles and have her insist to him that it was a surprise. If anything he was as annoyed with Regina as he was with Kayla.

But, she didn't know that, she couldn't really see what was happening between them. Trixie used that to her advantage.

"So," Trixie swooned departing from Cody and breathing into Kayla's face, the alcohol was strong in it. "Doesn't it bother you? That he can do whatever he pleases with any girl, and you're not allowed to even think of another man?"

She narrowed her radiant amber eyes, it not only bothered her, it infuriated her. It wasn't fair, and it wasn't right. She wasn't going to dare admit that to his trashy cousin however, but she didn't need to, Trixie could see right through her.

"You can go outside to cool off, if you want." She looked over at Cody with mock, "But don't take pretty boy with you, you'll only remind yourself of what you can't have."

The Pelisian heir fumed with anger, but she lifted her head up. "I don't take orders or suggestions from garbage."

She twisted around to get between Damian and Regina. She wanted to ruin the moment they were having like he was ruining her life. He couldn't hurt her, none of them could, they'd face dire consequences and her own fangs as well. They'd never be able to actually hurt her, and she was prepared to make life hell for them the way she knew how.

Cody grabbed her arm, "Kayla, don't. It's not worth it, none of them are. Let's just go outside."

She sighed deeply, glancing at his hand on her arm. He was so gentle with her, and his blue eyes were sincere. She wasn't going to stop Damian, because Cody was here, he was what mattered. Not Damian, not Regina, not any of them, only Cody, and Cody was right. They weren't worth the trouble, they wanted her to flip out. She nodded at him and snaked through the crowd, out the doors to the blooming green gardens, strewn with twinkling small star lights. He followed close behind her, despite what they'd said about him not going. They were Serius, he wouldn't take orders from them.

When they were gone, Damian's triplet cousins exchanged relieved glances.

"That was close." Trixie breathed, "I didn't expect her to decide to get between them."

"Whatever, now thanks to that airheaded blonde she's going to meet her fate outside." Travis smiled pleasurably, "And Damian will be free."

Trent shook his head, "I still don't think this is a good idea." He muttered.

"Well no one asked you!" Travis yelled smacking his brother upside the head.

"Stop it!" Trixie snapped, "Go start your distraction so no one will realize what's happening outside."

Travis grinned with sharp teeth, and targeted an unsuspecting bobcat student, he was the running back on the football team. "Let's start a riot." He quoted from Three Days Grace.

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