Chapter 28: A Search for Answers

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"Pretty much." Ruby admitted, "Ozpin messaged me, said he needed to discuss something

with me. You're going to be on team RWBY!"

Ruby gave me a quick hug then entered the office. When she returned she gave us the thumbs up Yang gave me a bone crushing hug.

"I can't believe we're on the same team!" Yang said excitedly.

"Don't kill him sis." Ruby told Yang, letting me go.

"Now," I said, clapping my hands together, "As happy as I am, we have some research to do."

"To the library!" Ruby said triumphantly, Pumping her fist in the air.

While Weiss made a call, the rest of us searched the computers and old newspapers to see if we could find anything that way. We did find files on what could be his sudden appearance but they didn't have a name. However, a boy did appear somewhere in Vale but nothing about his current whereabouts. Every lead we seemed to get was missing one or more key points of information that made it almost impossible to give us anything right now.

Eventually we gave up and grabbed something to eat.

"That was pointless." I groaned.

"We did find out he actually exists." Ruby said.

"Yeah, we could still find him." Yang encouraged.

"For all we know he got...transformed like me!" I said.

"He's right." Blake agreed, "Even if we knew what he looked like, there's no guarantee he looks the same now."

Weiss added, "And if Alex is losing his memories of home, his brother would probably not even remember him."

"Not true." I intervened, "I remember my family, just not how they look."

"You didn't remember you had a brother." Yang pointed out.

"I was no more than four when he left," I explained, "I was a toddler and he was five years older."

We finished our meals and walked back towards the dorms.

"What's his name?" Yang asked.

"Grant." I answered, "But there could be a thousand Grants!" I was getting frustrated at the

lack of knowledge I had on my brother.

"It's fine Alex," Weiss assured me as we reached their dorm, "We'll find him."

"Night guys." I said as I turned the corner.

I unpacked my things when I got in my room then shoved my empty bags under my bed. I

flopped down on my bed thinking about the awesome summer I just had. My thoughts drifted around my head until I finally drifted asleep.

No matter how often I have it, the dream doesn't get any easier to watch. Now it continuously get's harder to close my eyes. I fear I won't be able to close them at all, being forced to see the carnage.

Just as the figure stabbed Weiss, everything froze and I was pulled into limbo again.

"Alex!" Axel greeted, "That was some accident. Good thing your faunus body heals quickly."


"See, the creature wants you dead!" he said.

I remembered my chat with the creature and how he warned me of Axel's lies. I wasn't sure who to trust but I knew I had to keep playing both sides until I figure it out.

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