Allan's long lost wallet,Part 2

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It's not that long when it's lost.

From Seventeenth of August to the Twentysecond of August,it's not that far.

Who found it?Lets find out

----Skip to Lunch-----

We where going downstairs to have lunch.I first went into the comfort room,to release my urine.Then I go down stairs.It's an habit of me to go upstairs every lunch,at the stairs beetween the Fourth floor,new building to the Roofdeck/top.

It's forbidden to go upstairs when it's break time.They said it is forbidden because you might steal something when your upstairs.

When i get up,I investigated about Allan's wallet.I compared them to real world situations.

So Allan's wallet must just be near.If not in the bags and pockets ou us,then it is hidden.

So i investigated, and the only possible hidding places are the lockers and upsatirs.I've check the lockers,but negative.So I hit the second posibble hidding spot,upstairs.Upstairs there are two P.C. cases.So I investigated inside,but It's negative.

Can't it be in the main roofdeck/top?It's always locked,so there's no way to hide it there.I inspected the gap between those cases(They are big),and Ifound it!!!!!!!!!I went down and told Allan to follow me.

At first I have doubt about the wallet cause I don't know other details,other than it is buff-beige color and it have an attack on titan coat of arms(I don't know what is that,that wings with black and white feathers)

He oppened the wallet,only to found cards and left with no money.He said it was okay,scince it is only

$4.29 or somewhere near if you use Dollars as your currency(not accurate)

Php.200 or somwhere near if you use Pesos as your curreny(not accurate)

Eur.3.8 if you use Euro

Bit.0.007388 if you use Bitcoin

(The not accurate sign means that the "somewhere near" is not accurate.Try to convert Php to other Peso user[most of latin america].And I have no means of bad things)

He said to treat me,and I said no cause why?I just returned the wallet,and he have least money.

He said that he loves me...What?

He said that.Dude is he gay,or not really like he have romantic atraction to guys,but i consider that as a gay.

--skip to dismissal--

So Ohemrence18 and I were talking then Allan came.Ohemerence claims that Allan is a gay.Cause Allan acuses me that I touched his genetilia...Gross!I will never do that,you know.I am pure.

I forgot to tell that Jade Razor had fever.


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I wasn't in the mood to write,however Brianna_The_Neko and Jade-Razor-Dragonite prusuaded me.

I have an upcoming book even if Iam busy,but it will never be better.

G.C. Chats and School adventuresDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora