Allan's long lost wallet,Part one

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Its Wednesday,seventeenth of August

Its our exam day when this happened.Lining at the front of our rooms,in the hallway. I'am the first in line, yet others are at the first floor, talking and playing.I got the a book from my bag,specifically English. The lessons are easy, but I found Gerunds hard.

But not litterally. I mean I know what is Gerund, and the part of the topic I'am having a hard time is cases/functions.But we are only in the sixth grade.I went to the staircase to the roof deck/top, where others girls stay.Well, I stay with them because they talk more education, rather than the boys who speak rubish and do not care about the exam.

Well I am not saying all, just few.However,girls mixed education with love.They talked about crushes and stuff, like 7 joys of Florence(Jade_Razor_Dragon 's friend).Others came up and we lined up and entered the classroom.

After we take a seat,we placed the bags in the bookshelves.Others placed thier bags at the top,others inside and others around the bookshelf in the floor.Some moments later, when the test haven't yet started, Alan told about his missing wallet.

Ms.Grace asked us to get our bags from the shelf,and open it.Each by each she inspect,every bag and every thing inside.She asked us to stand and asked us to bring out the insides of our pockets.Boys-5(our pants have 4 and plus in our polos)and 1 for girls(the only pocket they have is at the left/right of thier skirt)

None of us have the wallet,so Ms.Grace asked those who have lockers to open it.But again,it's still negative.DUN DUN DUN!!!!Ms.Grace requested to put the boy bags in front near her for an unknow reason, but theory of me suggest that it might be about the lost wallet.

It is not the first time however.This happens to be the second time this happened.The wallet was returned to Allan in the first time, which David(he might be because he returned it and found it on a locker.However,lockers weren't still available and no one is still using those,so it was very scuspicious that he hid it)gave.

When it is brake time, the boys where asked to stay.Sir Wilson,the prefect of dicipline, asked who saw the whole scene.Jansen saw it but imcomplete.The students who sat near Allan are requested to stay, and the rest of the boys took the break.

Luckily,I dont.But Iam ought to be.Why?Originally the line must follow the shortest to tallest which is: Luis-Benedict-Kobe-Owen-Tobby-Angelo-Kelvin-Nicholas-Michael-Me-Jansen-Allan(we are thirteen but i don't know the 2,I got a partial amnesia....).Back then, I placed my bag in the "normal thing line" however, they moved it in order to talk with each other.I found a space beetween Luis and Benedict,so I lined there cause theres no other space at "thier place".

So the boys that sat were given a chance to have the break for ten minutes. When it's dismissal time, the boys who sat was left at the classroom,again for the cause of the lost wallet.

Will Allan ever find it??Let see on the part two.

Adios mis amigos!!



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