Our teachers' prank

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Well,its Friday when this happened,and its a prank.
I did not fall for this
Some did

Its so funny, which is done by Ms.Camille Mandapat
-This is a book about the school....

It's Friday, first Friday. The schedules have been changed, from 11:40 to 3:20. First Friday is when we go to the church, to our clubs.That's the 12:30 schedule. The administration added classes, which we all hate. Their explanation is that we are not going to meet the expected school days we need.They said that the we are not going to sacrifice school days just for a mass.

Adding 4 classes, which are: HELE(livelihood stuff,TLE), English, Math, and Science.So they moved it to 3:20. A conflict during the assembly and the mass,when Sir Dodi ,a CLE teacher said that "It is optional to genuflect before receiving the host, but I recommend not.It makes the students to receive the host slower." I understand, since he's from another school.

It has been a tradition in us to genuflect before receiving the host. Your gonna genuflect when the person in front you receives the host. From the first principal to the third, from my cousins who studied there, that had been a tradition. Then he'll gonna remove it?? Even Jade_Razor_Dragon complains.

In the mass, Ms.Liz, our CLE teacher show the preschoolers and the primary level so as higher levels how we are going to act in the mass.She mentioned "To genuflect when the person in front of you is receiving the host".We complained our adviser, Ms.Grace who was sitting just behind us,saying they are conffused.

Ms.MJ said "Genuflect.Who are you gonna obey, Sir. Dodi or Sir Wilson and Ms.Liz?".Of course we are going to obey Sir wilson and Ms.Liz, because both of them are older, genuflecting before receiving the host is more respectfull, and Sir Wilson sits more higher posisition, prefect of discipline.

It seems more students obeyed Ms.Liz rather than Sir Dodi

Well, Sir Dodi have a plan to change our father.From trespasses to sins, and temptation to test, its hard because it is again, a tradition.He also mentioned that the our father in the mass is not uniformed, others said trespasses and others to sins,temptation to test.What??I haven't heard anything.Or maybe I didn't herd it, or he didn't herd it.

------------Skip to science time-----------

Ms.Camille said that we are going to check the long quiz we take last meeting.She said when a student fails, that student will be left.

We are teasing Jen,because she might fail with her crush, Aljon. We are sure of Aljon, because he is so ..............................
When we checked the paper, Jen failed and Jade_Razor_Dragon.I didn't, and she said that "From all of my friends, I Am the only one who is.................".Some moments later, Jade realized Jen's check was wrong, and she passed, and she's over joyed.

-Ms.Camille record the scores-

-Ms.Camille goes out of the room-

-She returns-

"Please copy this pointers to review in exam in your science or reminder notebook"She said.But it was very familiar.I browse the first page of science notebook,and its the same.Stacey and me complained to Ms.Camille,and she said to be be quiet.

Each by each, one realizes that.Jade did realize it.But others did not, such as Brianna_The_Neko.When Ms.Camille said about it, all of them realized.However, some don't have a copy, so that's not a prank for all.

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