1.5K 48 15

Holy carp. (<- Yes, that was purposeful.)

1.5K reads??? What even!

Thank you all so much! For the reads then, for the readers who just came along and happened upon my story. I remember when I started this story. I was so excited when I got my first 3 reads, and I literally gasped and screeched when I saw that I had surpassed 1,000 reads. This corny message is for anyone who has an idea that they aren't afraid to type up and post. I have nothing but support for you. Voice your story to the world, and don't be afraid to experiment! I have two books in the works (this one and a Smosh one) and two more on the way that I am excited for you all to read! I started this story because for the longest time all I did was read stories on here. However, when I happened upon a specific one (called My Little Boss, it's so cute) I just thought 'hey, maybe I can write a cute fanfiction. Why not?' and here we are. So thank you again to my loyal readers and my new ones, even those who started this book by reading this author's note. Thank you <3. Much love to you. I thank God that each of you exist and comment and read and I love you all!


P.S. I am truly a child. I was jumping up in down with excitement when I checked my account 30 minutes ago. I got my first 3 followers, and I almost screamed. EEEEEEE-

'Kay, bye for real <3

Truth or Truth (Jacksepticeye)Where stories live. Discover now