"I got out of there the second I found out."

I rolled my eyes, standing up. "Yeah except that whole first month when you just turned the other cheek."

When she raised her hand to me again, I walked away, out of her reach and to the door.

"Where do you think your going?"

"Out." I answered shortly, opening the door.

"Alyssa," I stopped at her words, thinking she would apologize but was quickly disappointed. "Remember that I tried to warn you. So don't be surprised when you get into the same shit I did. And I won't be the one to help you out of it."

With that, I stepped out and slammed the door behind me. I began walking, to where I had no idea, but I didn't stop. Everything my mother had said to me was running through my head. All the memories of my dad when I was younger came to me. The terrified three year old in the corner, scared of her own dad.

I had never been more mad at my mom then I was now. For her to compare Harry to my father, it was impossible. If she knew him, gave him a chance, she would know he'd never hurt me.

I abruptly stopped when I heard yelling across from me. I looked over to see two men arguing and looking like they were close to throwing a punch.

I hurriedly walked away from the scene and pulled out my phone, dialing a number. As it rang, I hid in the shadows. Even though it was about one in the afternoon, I felt terrified in this unknown, empty place.

"Hi princess."

I didn't realize I had tears sliding down my cheeks from my previous thoughts until I spoke and it came out shaky. "Harry? Can you come get me?"

"Baby, where are you?" I could hear the sound of keys jingling in the background.

I shook my head. "I don't know."

"I need you to find out. Look and tell me anything you see around you."

I looked up to see a green street sign above me. "It says I'm on Wilkins street."

"Shit. How'd you get there?"


"Never mind that. Look, Alyssa, I need you to stay calm and don't look or talk to anyone. Find somewhere you can stand safely and wait for me, I'm on my way."

I nodded to myself. "Okay."

After I hung up, as if my luck could get any worse, it started to rain. Really? Thunder boomed over my head making me jump and run to the phone booth a few feet away. I stepped inside, dripping wet, and shut the door behind me before sliding to the ground.

All the events of the day hit me and I started to cry. Cry for my own luck. Cry for my mom. Cry for Harry. I continued to cry until I heard a car pull up next to me. I didn't look up as someone stepped into the booth and slid a warm leather jacket around my shoulders before picking me up and carrying me to the car a few feet away. After setting me in the seat, Harry brushed my damp hair from my face and placed a quick kiss to my forehead.

I stared ahead of me completely in a daze as Harry got in the driver side and started the car. Before driving though, he turned to me.

"What happen?" He brushed my leg calmingly.

"Sh-she said I would turn out just l-like herr. I tried to tell h-her, you wouldn't do t-that, but-" my teeth chattered from the cold, but I stopped when Harry pulled me over the consul to wrap his arms around me.

"Shh, it's okay."

After a few moments of him speaking soothing words to calm me, I spoke again. "I'm sorry. She won't even give you a chance."

My Dangerous PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now