Chapter 25

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It's strange. Being truly in love. You loose all sense of judgement, not knowing the difference between right and wrong. You feel invincible because of it, exposing everything deep within you that you thought would never be exposed. You suddenly don't care, wanting that person to know everything, even your darkest secrets because you feel that no matter what, they'll still love you. You'd do anything for that person because they mean the world to you, even if it risks your own life. All because you love them.

The problem with that is, love doesn't make us immortal. As human beings, we sacrifice everything for love. For that one emotion that seems to be everything, that can control our lives completely without any of our own say. And we rarely think about getting hurt, but we do. Whether its physically, emotionally, mentally, we get hurt, it's a part of life. But, if its true love, all that pain and all that suffering and hurting is all worth it in the end. And It's our job to figure out if it'll be worth it or not.

All I could feel was pain. It was everywhere, excruciating and terrible. But I couldn't do anything, I couldn't move, couldn't even scream. I was completely paralyzed. I couldn't even think. But there was one small thing left that I could picture. Green eyes and curly hair. I wasn't sure where they were from or who's they were, but I knew they were important.

I could hear a distant yelling, but it sounded so far away. The voice was panicked and I wanted to reach out to it, tell it I was fine.

"Alyssa! You have to wake up, please!"

I could barely feel something being cut from around my wrists before the solid ground was gone beneath me.

"Louis, there's so much blood!" The same panicked voice said. Who was that? And why was my heart completely breaking for them.

Within seconds, the body that was holding me set me down and my face fell limply onto a hard, yet smooth surface. Cool water began to smack into my face and I felt myself coming too.

"Alyssa, please. I can't-I won't loose you. Please, just open your eyes princess."

Princess. The name hit me like a ton of bricks and suddenly, everything was coming back. I needed to open my eyes, I had to find a way through the pain and show him I was okay. For the boy I loved.

With all the energy I could muster, I wiggled my fingers and lightly squeezed his bicep.

"Alyssa?!" My face was pushed away from what I now assumed was Harry's chest. "Open your eyes. Just open your eyes for me baby."

I could feel my head swinging around like a dead weight. I had to do this for him, even if it hurt. As if they were glued together, I pried my eyelids apart. There was too much light and everything was blurry. But I could make out a face and soaking brown hair with a slight wave.

"Oh thank god!" My body was tugged back into his as he held me tightly. "I thought I lost you."

Something wasn't right though. I could feel everything around me going hazy as spots of black appeared. "Harry." I was able to mumble out.

He pulled me back to get a look at my face. "No. You can't do this to me. Stay with me Alyssa. Keep your eyes open!"

I wanted to do as he said. All I wanted was to make him happy and see that famous smile on his face again. But it was getting to hard, and my eyes were slowly drooping.

"Damn it Alyssa, keep your eyes open!" I could hear what sounded like crying and my heart shattered into a million pieces. "I love you."

And that was the last thing I heard before I blacked out.

My eyes flickered open and I saw bright white lights and walls around me. The stale smell of hospital filled my nose and the bed I was laying on was lumpy and hard. My head was pounding and there was a burning like fire on my upper thighs. My stomach was growling and my mouth was as dry as a desert. But, none of that mattered to me. The only thing I could think of was Harry. And my heart sped up when I saw him in the chair next to me.

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