Chapter Eight: Have Some Fun

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Toby sat on his bed, staring at a blank wall. His shelves were now adorned with all of his best friends. He had considered making friends out of Jack and TT, but he was pretty sure he wasn't allowed to. It was a shame too, he really got along with them. Maybe he could at least make dolls for them, as he had done for Sally.

Speaking of whom, he hadn't really seen much of Sally in the past few days. Maybe it was because he was acting aloof, or maybe she was busy with her own things. Truthfully, he didn't know. It'd be nice to check up on her, though. See how she's doing and all.

He also really wanted to get to know the other members of the mansion better. From what he's heard, some other members would be arriving shortly, so he wanted to make a good first impression. No one really talked about them much, so he'd have to see what they were like for himself.

There was a quiet knock on the door, and Toby turned to the sound as the door was being opened. In the doorway stood one of the people he had met on his first day... though he was having trouble remembering her name. The girl with the brown hair, and the mask with the roses and thorny vines... her name had "thorn" in it, right?

"Hey new guy," she greeted with a small chuckle. "It's, uh, Toby," he corrected. She laughed. "I know. Also known as Ragdoll Maker," she said with a nod.

Ah! He remembered her name now! Thank goodness, or this was going to get awkward fast. Or... at least more awkward than it already was. "So what's up, Thorn Note?" he asked, leaning back and propping himself up on his arms in a casual position. "I was just going to go for a walk... maybe spill some blood while I was at it," she giggled. "You want to come?"

"Ah... I dunno... I don't really kill," Toby said shyly. "I just make friends, you know?"

"Pretty violent method of making friends, don't you think?" Thorn Note pointed out, and Toby couldn't help but find himself agree- at least a little bit. "It's fine if you don't want to, I was just offering."

"Ah, you know what? Yeah! I'll go," Toby smiled. "I want to get to know everyone more, so this will be perfect."

The girl hummed happily and gestured for him to follow. After grabbing a coat, the duo departed into the woods under the cover of night.


A high-pitched scream rang out, before immediately being silenced and replaced with a gross gargling sound. Toby watched with a sick sense of fascination as the girl with curly blonde hair dropped to her knees, looking at him with desperation shining in her crying blue eyes. He grasped her neck, as though trying to stop the red liquid from pouring out. After a second choked gargle, she fell to the floor, blood soaking her short black dress.

Thorn Note stood up, looking down at her work proudly. In her hand she held a bloody throwing card, sharpened enough to be lethal if used correctly. "That was cool," Toby smiled. The girl beamed, preening with his compliment. "Why, thank you~ We should get out of here before the police arrive," she nodded, turning to walk away. Toby stood up straight and followed, carefully stepping over the corpse.

"Any reason in particular why you did that?" Toby asked. Thorn Note stared straight ahead, her body tensed. "...In short... she was a slut."

Toby flinched at the use of such vulgar language, but decided not to press the matter any further. She probably had her reasons. Just as he had his own reasons for his method of making friends.

Was he wrong for doing that? Was he hurting his friends more than he was helping them? Was he... a killer?

No... no, of course not! He was giving them a chance to live with him and his other friends! So they would never be alone! Even if they disagreed, he knew that they were lonely, and that they could be happy if he just befriended them. His intentions were pure.

"Do you do that a lot?" Thorn Note looked to him. Toby blinked before raising an eyebrow. "Do what?" he asked. "You know... zone out. I've been trying to talk to you."

"Oh... sorry. I was just... thinking," Toby chuckled awkwardly, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "What were you saying?"

"I've had enough fun for the night. So unless you wanted to do something, we should head back to the mansion."

"Nah, I'm good. I haven't really met anyone I want to become best friends with, yet," he laughed. "So yeah! Let's go back."

The two walked in a comfortable silence. The night was fun for the both of them, even if Toby hadn't really done anything. Thorn Note seemed to be a really nice girl. Maybe he should make a doll for her as well! The more friends, the merrier, right? So a doll for TT, Jack, and Thorn Note.

They finally came upon the mansion, and the two walked inside. Toby shrugged off his coat in the warmer environment, opting to carry it upstairs to his room instead of wearing it inside. He then turned to the girl.

"Tonight was really fun! Thanks," Toby beamed. Thorn Note chuckled. "Yeah, it was! Glad you liked it. Maybe we should do this again sometime!"

"That would be awesome!" Toby nodded happily. "So what are you doing now?"

"Probably gonna chill for a bit. You?"

"I'm pretty tired, so sleep!" the boy shrugged. Thorn Note rolled her eyes but laughed. "Alright, then. Goodnight, Toby."

"Night, Thorn!" Toby waved as he raced upstairs. After changing into some more comfortable clothes, he got into bed and fell asleep almost immediately.


[A/N] Wow finally!

So sorry this took so long! There will be a short "Chapter 8.5" posted right after this one to make up for it!

How are you guys liking this so far? Feedback and criticism are welcome here!

Thorn Note belongs to AM_Kawaii !

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