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Ever watched glass shatter? How it falls fast and then everything seems to slow down , you hold your breath. Feel your heartbeat rise but your muscles are frozen , tongue stuck to the side of your cheek, palms sweating , heart galloping like a stampede in an African Sahara. You make no move to cushion or even prevent the damage. You're arrested , doomed and in that split second between destruction and flight you and that glass are kindred spirits, both on the verge of destruction.

Pity , the glass shattered first when it might have been the stronger matter of the two of you .

The crash it makes as millions of shards skid across the floor echo the dropping of your heart, the realization and then all too soon it becomes red, staining the glass pooling calmly over the surged  destruction, a sanguine mess. You catch a reflection in one peculiar shard, see the red echoed on your face, hands , look up into chocolate eyes and it all sinks in, like a rock in water it settles at the bottom of your gut. You open your mouth and cry in deaf agony, empty screams hold the most agony, need the most assistance . You're destroyed and like the glass you didn't see it coming, especially not at the hands of someone you loved.

D'Angelo Russell shattered me.

Shattered | D'Angelo RussellWhere stories live. Discover now