Over run.

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We stopped for the night and I stepped out into the freezing night. I arm up and go for a walk.

"Hey, wait up." A voice yells and I look back seeing Autumn.

"Will you go pee with me?" She asks and I let out a small laugh.

"Yeah, let's go." I say and we walk over to a block of cars.

She goes while I take watch, standing on the hood of some cars, looking at the setting sun.

"Now do the same for me." I say, handing her my bow and gun.

She stands there as I go. I stand and grab my gun and bow.

"Come on, I'm cold." I say and she puts a hand over my mouth and I hear a faint crying sound.

I hand her my gun and start running towards it. I stop at a car and see a thing trying to get in a car.

"Hey!" I call, making it turn towards me.

It hobbles over and I ready my bow, sending an arrow into its skull.

I look in the window, seeing a baby and child. My heart breaks and I open the door making the child look up.

I put a finger to my lips and he nods, reaching for me.

"Take this." I whisper to Autumn and she does as I grab the kid and take out the car seat, walking back to our camp site.

"Take him." I say to Andy and he takes the child as I get the baby out, trying to quiet it down.

"Shh." I say, wrapping it in a small thick blanket.

Andy opens the car door and I get in the back seat and he slides in with me.

"You both are cold." He says and I nod.

He pulls both of us close. He grabs an extra blanket and covers us up.

The baby keeps crying until the car door opens, revealing Ashley.

"We found this in the car I was in. I hope it helps." He says handing me a baby's bottle with a little milk in it.

I shake it up and Andy takes the baby. I keep shaking it and the baby's eyes open, staring at me.

I put the nipple to its mouth and start feeding it.

I wake to the baby crying and see its still dark out. I groan and hear growling and feet shuffling. I nudge Andy and he wakes instantly, grabbing my hand.

"What?" He asks and I hand him the baby and bottle.

"Keep her quiet." I whisper and look out the window, watching them as they walk passed the cars we were in.

A scream sounds from the woods and I see Katie run into the woods.

"Son of a bitch!" I say and jump out if the car, running after her.

I run to her and pin her to a tree.

"Shut up. Be quiet and follow me." I whisper and start running away from them.

She runs after me and we run into a small cave, hiding from them.
Around 7:00

"Where were you and why did you scream?" I ask as we walk back go the cars.

"I was in pain." She says, embaressed and I nod.

"Well don't scream ok." I say and I see Andy pacing.

"Dude, she'll be fine. She was trained for this." Ashley says and I stare at Andy.

"Guys?" I say, walking up to them and Andy grabs me and kisses me forcefully.

His hands roam my body and I place my hands on the back of his neck, pulling him towards me.

"Don't ever do that again." He says and I nod, kissing him again.

"Ok, ok, ok. That's enough." Someone says and I flip them off.

I pull away from him and look at Airona and Katie.

"Don't ever run away again. You find a car or something and hide in it, you don't run into the woods and get lost." I say hoarsely, hugging her.

I feel her nod and she hugs me back, crying silently.

"Hey, you're not in trouble. It we were trained for this." I say and she let's out a weird sound, something between a laugh and a sob.

"I know." She says and I clear my throat.

"Come say hi to Jezabelle." Andy says and I smile, walking over to him and hearing her little giggle.

"We need to get moving. We have to take the back roads or we can push the cars out of the way but that would take hours to do." Ashley says and I look back at him.

I think about my dogs at home and of how they can survive a while longer.

"Move the cars." I say and they look at me, "The back roads take to much gas."

"They're safer." Andy says, grabs my arm and I look up at him.

His eyes give me a sense of safeness.

I groan and hug him.

"Back roads it is." I say and he repeats me.

"I'm driving." I say and he winces, looking down at me.

"I can drive." I say and he sighs, giving in to my look.

"Fine." He says and I get in as he puts Jezabelle back in her car seat and gets in.

"I have one condition." Andy says and I look at him.

"Kiss me." He says and I smile, shaking my head.

I kiss him and the little boy gets in.

"What's your name kid?" Andy asks and he looks at him.

"Todd. Sweeny Todd. My parents loved the movie." He says and I ease into driving.

"I have a confession to make." I say, turning around, "I'm just learning to drive."

Andy looks at me and laughs.

"What?!" I yell and he shakes his head.

"You seem so scared. Loosen your grip on the wheel, you're gonna kill it. Good, now just ease your way passed the cars." He says and I do, easing my way.

"Good, now let go of the gas and hold the break, not all the way to the floor." He says and I do, slowing down.

"Ok." I say and fight the urge to look at him.

"You look like your at war with yourself. What's going on?" He asks and kisses my cheek, then my neck.

"Stop trying to distract me." I say and he pulls away.

"You didn't take your eyes off the road. Good." He says and I glare out the windshield.

"Don't be mad!" He says and I look in the rearview mirror at Sweeny.

"He's a jerk." I say, directing it to him and he smiles.

"Eyes in the road, woman." Andy says and I look at the road, watching it then to dirt.

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