~Chapter 1~

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A/N: Hey guys! This is my first fanfiction, so if there is anything that I could improve, please let me know in the comments. Thank you to the bean people who are reading this at the moment.

"What the glob? I don't remember setting an alarm last night." I mumbled to myself. I looked over to my phone to see Fionna calling me. "Hello?" I answered groggily, as I was still waking up. "Y/N! There is someone at the treehouse that I want you to meet." Fionna whisper-shouted into the phone. "Why the glob are you whispering dude? And who's at the treehouse?" I was very confused at the whole situation, and a little annoyed with Fionna, who refused to tell me who this mystery person is. After the call, I hurriedly  got dressed in a quarter length sleeved flannel, and a pair of dark blue jeans. I threw on a pair of vans and ran over to Fionna and Cake's house.


Fionna's P.O.V

I paced back and forth at the front door. I can't let Cake know Y/N is coming over, she would freak! I heard a knock on the door and quietly pulled Y/N in, telling her to whisper as I did so. "So, why am I here at 11 in the morning when I could be sleeping?" She asked me. "Sorry Y/N, I just wanted to have you meet a very important person, and he is going to be leaving soon, so I had to call you to wake you up." I explained, as we climbed up the ladder to the living room. 

Y/N's P.O.V

I climbed up the ladder to reveal a surprisingly familiar face at the top. Awaiting me was Prince Gumball, the leader of the Candy Kingdom. "Fi, is this a joke? Did you drag me over here just so you could pull a stupid prank on me? I know Gumball, we've met before." I was steaming. It was way too early for me to be up at the moment, and I had no idea as to what I just said to my best friend. "I'm sorry Y/N, I forgot you two met before." How could she forget? She was the one who introduced me to him. All of a sudden, I feel two cold arms wrap around my waist as my feet leave the ground. A chin is rested on my shoulder as well. "Who do we have here?" the mysterious voice said. I didn't bother to look at him, Fionna was about to introduce us to each other anyways. As Fionna opened her mouth, Cake ran downstairs as fast as she could and smacked the Fionna upside the head. "Why in the world would you invite him over while Y/N is here?" She was very furious at the moment. At that point, I turned my head to reveal a vampire resting his head on my shoulder. "Hey, I'm Marshall Lee." he spoke. I looked at his face again, trying to figure out what it is about him that I find myself so drawn to all of a sudden. "You like what you see? Or are you just spaced out?" he chuckled. "O-oh, I, u-uh." I stuttered. I can not say that I am in love, but what I can say is that he is very attractive. "Are you going to tell me your name?"

Marshall Lee's P.O.V

"Are you going to tell me your name?" I asked the girl. I set her down on the couch, and floated above her, upside down. "M-my name is, uh-" Before she could spit it out, Fionna interrupted her. "Y/N, her name is Y/N." I looked over to the nervous wreck of the girl. She had a tint of red that rapidly spread across her cheeks. I had to admit, she was adorable. I decided to mess with her a tiny bit and kiss her cheek. "Well, I have to go Y/N, but it was nice to meet you." I winked, and left the treehouse. She was cute. I thought to myself.

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