chapter 16

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    I get up and grab my phone, hey look it's Joel. "Hey babe, I am so excited for the gaming convention tomorrow!" I text him back and say "Me too! I have a big surprise!".

    So I got a lot of love on my last video but a lot of hate, I really don't know why... But I am trying not to think about it and move on. Joel's out of the hospital so I am happy, I got to see him and it was great to be in his embrace once again. I am just packing at the moment when I get a text from Joel mom, "Hey sweetie! You have no idea how excited Joel is for tomorrow, He is excited to see you again. So excited to see you and your beautiful face hun. Love you very much!". Me and Joel's mom have always been very close, I feel like I am apart of the family :). I text her back saying "Excited to see guys again too <3! Love you too!".

    *beep* *beep*
    Today is the day! I get some Starbucks for Joel, his parents, and me. When I arrived Joel was waiting outside and his mom was very happy, I got out of the car and gave his mom a big hug and gave Joel a kiss. We were off on our adventure, It takes a few hours to get there but that is okay!

    We arrived! So many people are here but I see my sister Maddie and we run over to each other and give each other lots of love! I haven't seen her for awhile so it was good to catch up. I know how hard it has been because of my mom with her but I don't have to deal with my mom anymore, I know Maddie phones me crying saying "mom isn't coming back!!!!" but my mom always does. I know how hard it is for her.

    I hear screams and cheering, "Lizzy come on up!".

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