"What Fallon? What?" she looked over at me, tears brimming in her eyes, seeming aware of what I was going to say. "Nothing..."

"Anyways, what about you and Alistair-you guys seem to have something going on." She wiped her eyes, smiled, and came up the top of the bed to sit beside me. I closed my book, aware I would have to delve into it later.

I put it on my night stand, and looked over at her. "What about him?"

"Don't you like him," she laughed wetly. "Uh, he's a nice guy...I don't like him like him..."

"Come on Fal, don't be that girl! You know how he feels about you! How he looks at you." she says slowly, looking me in the eyes. "Uh, no...I don't actually...look I don't date. And I never even,"-I pause and laugh lightly-"Never even kissed a boy."

Jenna jumps up accusingly, startling me. "No way Fal! New operation! Get Fal laid and kissed!" she squeals. "Hey! Jenna not so loud, my dad's home," I hiss. "Besides, I want to save myself for someone special. Someone worth it. And I don't just want to give away my kisses! They have to be earned!"

"Ugh, you're reading too many of those swashbuckling romances!"

"You didn't even use the term right!"

"Ugh, whatever it sounded pirate-y. Come on Fallon, you know you want a boyfriend," she sits down beside me. "So he could do this,"-she runs her hands gingerly up and down my thigh-"and lean in like this." Jenna leans in closer to my face, making my heart race. Not with anticipation, but fear. "Jenna?" I whisper.

She pulls away laughing. "Just kidding pal, I'm not a lesbo."

"Who knows with you, you like to try it all."

"That indeed! But I already kissed a girl, and I liked it!"

I looked over at her wide-eyed. "What?"

"Yep, in summer camp-it was just an experiment, nothing serious. Jeez Fal,"

I shake my head disapprovingly, picking up my romance novel.

* * *

Jenna went home later on in the evening, leaving me alone to my books.

He was beautiful-like a dream come alive. Everything she ever wanted, but undoubtedly, she was facing Stockholm syndrome. As she was being held for ransom by him-

My phone buzzed, I looked over at the message from the unknown number.

Hey, thought you might make the first move by asking who's number was in your phone. Well, it's me Alistair. Uh...wyd?

I furrow my eyebrows, and realize the # was saved under '...'


Me: Reading, bye.

If only there was some other way-some other time, where they'd meet in a not so hostile way-

Alistair: No wait-don't go. Can we talk?

Me: Uh...bout what?

Alistair: Anything! ^_^

Me: T_T

I don't have time for just 'anything' I could be reading right now.

Alistair: ._. Jeez, yah woulda thought it'd be easier to talk to you, when you don't have to look into your beautiful eyes...

Me: -____________________- start flirting and this conversation is over.

Alistair: Damn it! That's my whole conversation! What's your favorite season?

I pause and think; no one has ever really asked me what my favorite anything was. No one really even seemed to care, because no one wants to talk to a loner like Fallon. I really have to think about that.

Me: Spring...because everything is starting anew, things blossom, and the cycle of life starts again. It's not too hot and it's not too cold. Hbu?

Alistair: Fall, because old things die, and everythings...chill...

Me: Nice... :p

Alistair: Uh, do you like metal?

Me: NO! I hate that vulgar music.

Alistair: ...me too, I'm more of a classical kind of guy...

Me: Really? _.

Alistair: *chuckles nervously* yeah.

Me: Well, uh...what's your favorite song?

Alistair: Don't have one. I just like listening to it.

Me: Me too...

Alistair: Something we have in common?

Me: ...I guess...you can say so...

Alistair: Anyone ever tell you you're a closed book???

Me: I'm kind of an introvert...don't push my limits; you're lucky I even responded.

Alistair: You're right! ^_^

Alistair: I am honored a great beauty as yourself would do so.

Me: -_____________________- what did I say?

Alistair: You're so easy to compliment! Why don't you accept?

Me: Eh...just a modest girl I suppose.

Alistair: Modesty is the most beautiful quality.

Me: Boy, you just don't quit it!

Alistair: It's like narcotics...isn't it?

' Me: Addicted to giving compliments? I've heard worse...Hey, I have a question. Why aren't you and your friends...normal?

Alistair: What is normal?

Me: You know, socially active. You've all got the looks...I mean why don't you guys join a club, and make friends.

Alistair: Is that what you want?

Me: What? NO! Do as you please, I was just wondering. You guys have a lot of potential...I was just-nvm.

Alistair: Goodnight Fallon.

Me: Wait-no! Uh, let's talk about something else.

Alistair: No really-I've got some business to take care of, sweet dreams.

Me: ...you too...

I flopped back into my bed, and held my phone over my chest. I though back to what Jenna said, and wonder-was I really catching feelings for Alistair? Did I really want to talk to him? Ugh, I hate being a teenager...

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