"You saw me last week."

"Seven days is an eternity." Calum laughed at what Ashton wouldn't consider a joke but he still played a long.

"What are you doing up so early?" Ashton exhaled slowly having to explain his reasoning.

"For the party dopey. This is my first party where I'm president. This has to be fucking good or the pledges will think I'm a joke." Ashton chugged some more of his beer while Calum stared at him.

"I don't think you're a joke. I think you're awesome."

"Thanks pal." Ashton fist bumped his friend and headed out with some of the frat guys to buy more alcohol . Calum decided to go out and see the new freshmen. He wanted to see if they were hot so he can at least have a decent fuck this year.

Calum is bisexual meaning that he enjoys the company of girls and guys. He wasn't ashamed of it and didn't care what others think of him. He just liked to have sex. He went outside and already saw some the girls who looked they were eyeing him. He gave them a wink and bit his lips seductively to tease them. He hopes to see them at the party tonight.

The freshmen here was interesting to Calum. He loved how they tried to dress slutty to feel more adult but failed at it because of their parents. He was intrigued by their presence and wanted to see more of them. He decided to go to the dorms the freshmen usually stays at. It was long walk from the house to the dorm rooms for freshmen but to Calum , it was worth it.


"Oh my god! This room is perfect." Michael's mom exclaimed. The room was very nice. It wasn't like the dorms you see on tv. It gave enough space by separating the rooms like an apartment would so if you hated your roommate with a passion, you go to room and close your door.

"It is mom. I thought every time bought a someone over , I would have to put a sock on the door outside. Sometimes I don't people in my business." Karen hit Michael's head because of him being painfully true. Even though she packed condoms in his suit case , she didn't want him using them yet.

"No girls in this dorm room! You should be only studying and sleeping! That's it. Now I'm going to help you unpack." Karen grabbed his suitcase and headed to the room that was empty. It seemed like his roommate already arrived because the other room was decorated.

"Karen let him do it. He can unpack his suitcase himself."

"Actually dad. I forgot something in the car and I really need to get it." Before Michael's dad could say anything else , Michael was already out the door. He forgot his bag of lighters. He wouldn't consider himself a stoner but lighters are everything to someone that smokes.

As he got into the parking lot, he saw freshmen overly excited about moving in. A girl ran into the building with the things she can carry because she was so happy about moving out. Michael was very happy because he gets to smoke in peace and not having his parents tell him not to. But he will miss his mother's cooking for sure.

Michael was on his way to the dorm room and he received a text from Luke asking how was the dorms. Michael replied that it was okay and how was his. Michael was too distracted on texting and ran into someone. The person must have been running because they both fell hard.

"Owie what the fuck dude?!?" Michael's head was throbbing and he wanted to kill the person until they offer him up. He grabbed their hand still pissed and got up from the ground.

"I'm so sorry dude. I was running from this chick that is so fucking crazy and you know how that goes and she was yelling -" Michael cut him off because he understood and plus the guy was talking extremely fast.

"It's fine dude. My name's Michael."

"Calum." They both greeted each other and Calum was taking interest in Michael. He bit his lip and look him up and down.

"So are you a freshman?" Michael eyes widened. Did he look like a freshman?

"Yeah and why'd you asked?" Calum smirked and chuckled which bother Michael.

"I have never saw before on campus and this is kinda the freshmen dorm hallway." Michael nodded and asked if Calum wanted to walked with him to his dorm. Calum agreed to and they both was getting to know each other.

Michael learned that Calum is the Vice President of the fraternity, Delta Sigma Phi and Calum learned that Michael enjoys partying and smoking.

"There's a party for our fraternity tonight. Since I'm in the frat and you like to party you should totally swing by." At first, Michael didn't want to go because in movies fraternities are usually portrayed as rude, obnoxious, and violent. But, Calum didn't come off as that when they met so he decided to agree.

"Yeah sure ok." Calum cheesed extra hard and gave Michael his phone number so he can ask for the address. Michael watched Calum walked off not trying to get himself noticed because that girl could be anywhere.

Michael went into the dorm seeing his parents talking to his dorm-mate. From the looks of it, his dorm-mate is a total nerd but Michael decided not to judge a book by its cover.

"Hi I'm Michael. You must be Daniel." Daniel smirked and continued talking to his parent sophisticatedly. He came off rude but Michael just said fuck it and went on with his business.

"Michael. We have to go but we love you so much. Give us a call if you need anything." Michael's dad said. He left with wife and she kept giving glances to Michael. He waved goodbye to her while she closed the door.

"To be clear, leave your shoes by the door." Michael gave an irritated look towards Daniel already knowing that he will piss him off for the school year. Michael headed to his room and close the door. His mom unpacked most of everything fortunately. Michael decided to chill out and smoke. He was going to wait until about seven or eight to text Calum for the address. Until then, Michael played music and unwind. Hopefully his freshman year will be spectacular.

Thank you so much for reading Chapter 1. I love you guys so much!

Instagram: 5sexxofseconds
Snapchat: trxppy.di 😊

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