"Most days." She smiled, pulling a shirt over her braless body. I was more disturbed by her slow actions of getting dressed than by how I was actually studying her. She began sliding one leg at a time into her shorts, no underwear, just all skin. Her smooth arms quickly snapped the clasps just before her eyes met with mine once more.

            "You never get to see me perform because you're always backstage shagging with someone. Can't you do that before the show?"

            "Aw, is my little Selena upset?" The younger brunette began to ignore me. She paced over towards her concert outfits and began zipping them up in their respectable bags. I was still frozen against the doorframe. I had seen Demi in many states before, but something seemed off about her. She was still herself in some ways, yes I admit to that. But she also seemed a bit out of it.

            "Were you drinking?"

            "Who wants to know?"

            "I want to know."

            "Yes mom." She sighed to herself, finally pushing the rack towards the door. But I hadn't moved. Why? I couldn't say. Upon seeing my unwavering actions, Demi glanced at me from the side of the hanging clothes. "I'm sorry I didn't watch you perform. Its just I'd rather not see my best friend dance around in skimpy clothes."

            "Your outfits are worse."

            "That may be, but I've told you before, a lot of things get me hot and bothered. It might not be the person, but I do love a sexy outfit." She actually winked at me before signaling towards the door. Demi had always been the kind of person to speak what was on her mind and she didn't really care who heard about it. But being her friend for practically all of our lives, I knew she meant no harm by her words. I rolled my eyes, opening the door as I allowed her to pass by. I could definitely smell alcohol on her, but decided to fight that battle on another night.

            As I made it to my own dressing room, Nick was waiting for me. He had been sitting on his phone messaging someone as I ran over to him.

            "I was looking for you." He pulled me down into his lap. "Where were you?"

            "I ran into Demi."

            "Oh. Is that a good or bad thing?"

            "I don't know." I sighed, laying against his chest. "She's sleeping with one of the dancers."

            "I know." Nick thumbed my arm as I sat up.

            "You know?"

            "Yeah. I just thought you knew as well."

            "Why would I know something like that."

            "You are her best friend." Nick gave me his signature smile as I studied the floor confused.

            "She never told me about Robert the dancer." I honestly felt a bit betrayed knowing she was sleeping around with this guy and Nick knew, and I didn't. "How long has that been going on?"

            "Since the tour began I think. But it's not like she's into him. She told me she just needed to let off some steam."

            "By making more of it?" I questioned, pushing myself away from Nick. "I'm just surprised she didn't tell me."

            "Maybe she knew this was just a fling. I'm sure when the tour is over, she'll be right back to her old self."

            "Which Demi are we talking about here? The drunk Demi, or the high one?" I pulled my hair into a ponytail, quickly studying the few things I would have to pack. "I just thought she was getting better."

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