"The only thing that interests you is becoming Hokage?" I asked with a smirk. "Genius... but listen to me well: if you touch Naruto, I'll come to destroy you from hell itself if you touch him."

"Just take care that he's out of my way and all will be well. Enjoy your last night, Sasuke, I'll make sure that you're executed tomorrow."

"It's always a pleasure talking with you." I smiled as I said to him. "I hope not to see you again."

"You won't, but tell me one thing... where is your brother?" He asked me. What a habit it was for everyone to ask about my brother!

"I killed him." I replied.

"I don't believe you." Was his answer.

"Too bad for you then, you can go ask Akatsuki.. oh, sorry... I killed them as well." I smirked sarcastically and he, too, smiled.

"I'd like to see if you'll have this same prepotency and pride tomorrow on your way to the ropes as you have now."

"Uchiha to the death." I told him, smiling.

"Until never, Sasuke." He said, marching off.

I stayed alone for a good while, in the dark and bored. I looked out the window and found that the sky was cloudy, dark; I couldn't even see the moon. I stayed for a while looking out to see how it rained, seeing how drops of water fell against the cornice of the barred window. I even got soaked a little from when the drops splashed, but it didn't matter. I was okay getting wet a little, everything didn't matter anymore, tomorrow I'd be dead. I at least already knew it and Danzou didn't make empty threats.

I heard the door once again, but they didn't even bring a torch. Their steps were coming towards me, they walked through the hallway and when they arrived at my cell, I discovered that it was Naruto, the last person I needed to see today. My grand doubt to see him there was... did I have to listen to Danzou or not? It was clear that Danzou never played around, but I don't know if he'd kill Naruto or not. He had tried it with me, so I was convinced he would.

"How are you, Sasuke?" He asked me, grabbing the bars.

"Perfectly well." I told him. "And your security guards?"

"I don't need guards to come talk to you."

"Not even light?" I asked.

"No." He replied, smiling.

"You only came to see how I was?" I asked once more.

"Something like that. I also came to tell you that they're sending me on a mission."

What a coincidence! They were sending him on a mission exactly on the day they were thinking of killing me. I looked at Naruto because surely... this would be the last time I'd see him. I supposed it didn't matter what I told him now, seeing as how I would never see him again.

"Naruto." I called him, nearing the bars where he was. "Do you remember when we were little?" I asked him with a smile.


"I was a bit jealous of you." I commented. "Because you didn't have to go back home and pretend like everything was perfect, you didn't have to make your father proud."

"I didn't have parents, Sasuke, you know that. I was alone."

"I know it's hard living without them, but even so, my father was worse, believe me. Just look how my clan ended up."

"I wanted to be like you." He told me, sitting down next to me, noticing how his back touched mine between the cell bars. "You were strong, smart, all the girls loved you. I don't know, you were perfect, Sasuke."

"Do me a favor, Naruto?" I asked and he nodded. "Don't become Hokage." I commented. "Please."

"But... it's what I most wish for, you know this."

"Yes, I know, but... please, Naruto. I can't explain it to you but, pay attention to me for once in your life." I commented.

"Why is it so important to you?"

"Because it is, Naruto. If that's what you want then I beg you." I told him, remembering Danzou's words and if I had to beg him to keep him alive, then I will. "Naruto, please, stay away from that burden."

"Fine." He told me. "I don't understand it, but I'll want your explanation once I'm back from this mission."

"Very well." I told him, because once he came back, I would no longer be here. "Can I ask you one last thing? It's a personal wish." I clarified.

"A personal wish? Where's this coming from, Sasuke?"

"In case I never get out of prison." I said, smiling, pretending that everything was going to be alright when it wasn't.

"What do you mean, never get out? Well, anyways, what is it?"

"Tell me you love me, just once."

"You know it's not true."

"Lie to me if it's necessary, Naruto, just this once."

"Are you okay, Sasuke?" He asked me.

"Perfectly well. Please, Naruto, it's something simple that I ask of you."

Naruto turned around towards me and snaked his hand in through the bars to grab the neck of my shirt to bring me closer to him. I knew that I was probably blushing and I appreciated that the guards hadn't walked in and that he hadn't brought a torch because like this, he couldn't see my embarrassment.

"I love you, teme." He told me in such a whisper that brought the ends of my hair to stand from his tone of voice. Even I, myself, believed it and even more so as he used the hand that had me by the collar to bring me towards him to kiss me through the bars.

I let myself be kissed although it was odd that the supposed newbie was taking control. He really had learned because his kiss was seducing me, it was exciting me and it even made me believe that he really wanted to give it to me, that he could feel something for me. He entered his tongue inside my mouth dominantly and I just loved it, I loved seeing that he had learned well, that finally, I didn't have to always be dominant and perfect.

A tear slid down my cheek, but not because I felt my heart breaking from this dobe's fault, but... because this was my last kiss with him, because I was going to die tomorrow and he hadn't been informed. He was going to leave this very night on a mission and he would never see me again, I wouldn't see him ever again. I would never hear him say that he loved me again and although it was a lie, it didn't matter, I just wanted to believe it if only for this one night.

"Why do you cry?" He asked me.

"No reason." I told him.

"I'll get you out of here, I promise you when I come back, I'll get you out."

"Alright." I told him although I knew he wouldn't come back in time. Nobody would tell him of my situation and even if I had told him, he wouldn't be able to do anything. At least he would be spared from seeing my execution.

Naruto got up to leave back through the hallway to the main room. I suppose he was leaving to his mission now.

"Goodbye, Naruto." I whispered and I don't know if he had been able to hear me, but my heart broke in a million pieces when I heard the door close behind him.

That night in the dungeon, it wasn't different from last time. Once more I found myself with those guys from that other time and they violated me how they wanted but nothing else really mattered. I was dead either way, nobody could save me now. The worst of it was that they wanted to assure themselves that nobody would be able to save me. Even before the sun came up, they stabbed me with a katana through my stomach, wounding me just enough to walk towards the noose because if the ropes didn't kill me... the wounds would kill me although nobody would see it. Nobody would know that I was dying even before leaving to my execution.

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