24: Relapse

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“LOUIS!” I yell turning around to see Louis on the floor rolling with tears in his eyes from laughing so hard.

“I-I-found-the-the-eg-eggs” Louis manages to say when he can find the breath. I can’t help but laugh with him. Louis stands up, still trying to get his breath back.

“CLEAN UP IN AISLE 23!!!!” Niall yells at nobody in particular, I didn’t think anyone would show up until someone turns around the corner, mop bucket and all. Ryker. It’s freaking Ryker with the mop bucket and mop.

“Ryker.” I say and he looks up at me.

“Do I know you?” He asks, I was about to reply until I remembered I’m Anastasia, he met me as Samantha. He has no idea who I am; I have contacts in and a wig on. He doesn’t know me.

“Err. No, I just saw your nametag and I really like the name.” I smile at him. He gives me a weird look then smiles back.

“So the eggs need cleaned up I’m guessing?” He smirks taking the mop and cleaning up the eggy mess.

“Thank you.” I say smiling and begin walking away with the boys following.

“Anytime, babe,” Ryker says winking at me. The boys continue ahead of me and I turn and walk back over to Ryker.

“I have a boyfriend. So you don’t have any right to call me babe.” I say sternly

“So what, babe, I have a girlfriend too, doesn’t mean she can’t know.” He winks again.

“Did I mention, I’m Anastasia Taylor and I’m dating Harry Styles? And I could tell him anything I wanted to and you would be beaten to a pulp in an instant. Do you understand?” Shock clouds his eyes as I smirk at him and walk away. Proud of myself. I hurry up and catch up to the boys

“Who was that?” Niall asks. Should I tell them? They know I stayed the night at a hotel, and that I was in the elevator.

“I’ll tell you in the car.” I say and they all nod.


“So what was all that all about with Mop Boy?” Niall asks as I climb in the backseat with him. Liam driving and Louis in the passenger.

“Remember when I stayed in the hotel?” I ask and they all nod their heads, “That was Ryker, the guy I got stuck in the elevator with, and the guy I stayed across the hotel room from.” I say readjusting my seatbelt that was trying to choke me.

“Did he remember you?” Louis asks and I shake my head, remembering he can’t see me.

“No. I met him as Sam and right now I’m Ana.” I say and he nods. Liam turns up the radio and my voice fills the car.

“I tried to find you at the bottom of the bottle,

Laying down on the bathroom floor,

My loneliness was rattling the windows,

You say you don’t want me anymore,

And you left me,

Standing on the corner crying,

Feeling like a fool for trying,

I don’t even remember why I’m wasting all the tears on you,

I wish I could erase our memories,

Cause you didn’t give a damn about me,

Oh finally I’m through,

Wasting all these tears on you,”

“TURN MY MUSIC OFF, I SOUND TERRIBLE I DON’T EVEN UNDERSTAND WHY I HAVE FANS, TURN IT OFF!” I yell at Liam and he only turns it up louder. Luckily my song is almost 4 minutes, and we have about 2 until we’re back at the flat. Thank God, I really don’t want to listen to my voice anymore. We pull up to the flat and I run out of the car up to the door and quickly open it.

“Trust me she won’t know.” I hear Harry say. I quietly walk into the living room.

“Are you sure? I feel pretty bad for doing this.” The mystery person says. I peak around the corner just in time to see Harry once again snogging Savannah.

“Are you kidding me?” I whisper as they pull apart and stare at me with complete horror.

“Sam” Harry starts.

“Don’t even try.”


Hey, guise! So this is 1300 words! I hope you enjoy it. So I know, I know you probably hate Harry right now am I right? Well, that's okay if you do. :P Okay, so this book will have 30 chapters and an epilogue:) Oh! That song is Wasting All These Tears by Cassadee Pope!:)  So that's all I have to say!


What are your feelings on Harry after everything he's done?

How do you think this situation will end?

Okay I love you my Pretzels!!:) xx <3

xx _DatWriterChick xx

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