02 | make a girl believe

Start from the beginning

"He got held back?" I ask, and she nods annoyed.

"Yes, now can we please not talk about that douche." She laughs.

"Sure," I smile.

I take her hand in mine as she walks with me to the back doors.

I didn't mind that she was easily distracted, or forgetful—just naive in general. I thought that since it was her, it was perfect. Everything about Fawn, was perfect, and I would definitely not waste an opportunity to spend time with her. Besides, school is beyond boring and the girl deserves a break.

We walk up to where I was parked, and she admires my car, running her fingers along the door handle on the passenger side, the side she'll be seated in, after a minute.

"How did you manage to afford this?" She asks, and I watch her observe every little detail of the model, I find it funny since it's a hand me down.

"My dad gave it to me, Corvettes have always been his thing. He loved to take my mom on road trips across the country in this baby, while I stayed at home with Gloria."

She tears her eyes away from the car, "Who's Gloria?"

"She was our old nanny," I reply.

"A nanny! You had a nanny!" I walk around the car, and open her door for her, expecting her to get in immediately. Except she doesn't, instead she stands frozen, looking at me for answers to a question that I am unaware that she was asking me.

"What?" I ask, and she replies with a simple never mind.

"You know what, I should be in class right now. I honestly don't know why I left in the first place, because this is not me, but—" I cut her off, placing my hand on her shoulder. She stiffens, but after a few seconds she relaxes completely letting out a sigh.

"Class is already in session, you'd be late anyways. Why don't you come with me and have a break for once? It's Friday, ease up." I smile down at her, hoping that she'll join me in skipping class.

In all the times I've talked to Fawn, I've never asked to take her anywhere because she has work from 3:15 to 8:00 and after that she's studying and doing homework. I don't know what drove me to basically ask her out, right here, right now, but I've known since the day I laid eyes on her, that she would be mine, and whatever is currently happening between the two of us, was inevitable. Written in the stars.

She hesitates before speaking, "I really don't know, Lawrence,"

I bring my other hand to her right shoulder, slightly massaging the area, moving my palms up and down the length of her arms.

"Please Fawn? For me?" she looks up to me, her eyes directly aligned with mine as she gives in, a hint of a betraying smile gracing her features before slouching down into the car.

God, she's amazing.

≫   ≫   ≫

"So this is where you wanted to take me to?" she asks after we sit down, and I laugh, before responding. We'd just gotten the food we ordered from the small burger joint, and Fawn was beyond satisfied to be having a real lunch this lovely afternoon.

"Well, if I could I would take you wherever you wanted." I state, which causes her to blush, completely flustered by my comment.

" I mean, if you could go anywhere in this whole, wide, world—where would you go?" I ask, as the bites the tip of her French fry happily.

"You can't ask me that!" She shouts, and I laugh, watching her smile grow wider and wider across her face.

"Why not? There's no law." I reply as she calms down, popping the rest of the fry in her mouth before talking, not bothering to swallow what food she was chewing.

"I want to go everywhere." She states, taking a sip of her water to wash it down. I tried to order her a real drink, but I came to find out she doesn't like soda. Something about the carbonation, and how it feels strange when she burps.

I love that she wasn't at all ashamed to share that info.

"Everywhere? Do you not like it here?" She shakes her head, gulping down more of her water, her focus clearly on the meal I had bought, rather than my question.

"No, no, that's not it at all. I just want to go someplace other than Concord. I mean, Concord is home, but I don't want to spend the rest of my life never seeing the outside world. Imagine what it would be like to visit Jamaica, or Thailand, just think Lawrence." Her eyes are clouded with hope, as she travels to these exact places in her own mind, ignoring the reality of this small fast food restaurant.

"I believe they call it wanderlust, Fawn."

She smiles softly at my response, and I reach over and grab her dainty hand.

"Just imagine." I whisper, repeating her own words as she stares down at our hands intertwined.

"I am." She mumbles, laying her head down on the table after a minute.

"What do you see?" I ask, and she looks up at me, a guilty smile adorning her face.

"That's something you'll just have to find out, Lawrence."

"Oh really? You aren't going to tell me even one teensy detail of you fantasies?" She laughs, leaning back as our hands unlock.

"Nope, not even a teensy detail." She grins, before standing up from the pleather upholstered booth we had been seated in. She quickly swipes her hands down her legs to remove any crumbs that transferred from the seat, before dragging me with her out the door.

"You sure are something, Lawrence." She says, walking back to our space in the small lot outside the building.

"And what would that imply?"

"Nothing, you just really know how to make a girl believe in silly things."

≫   ≫   ≫

A U T H O R ' S N O T E :

Thank you all for reading this! This is the first time we're seeing Lawrence's perspective and I am super curious to hear what you guys are thinking of him, your first impression of his point of view.

I hope that you all enjoyed this, and let me know what all you liked and think I could work on, because I will definitely read comments

≫   ≫   ≫

Q U E S T I O N S :

Thoughts on Lawrence convincing Fawn to ditch?

There short conversation at the fast food place?

Anything else?

Thanks so, so, so, so, so much for reading. It means the world to me, and I read every comment, and thank everyone who supports me in an effort to show my appreciation!
- tat <3

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