Seventh Ally/Balance is Key

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Cancer's P.V

It's been already reach the 7th day, we need to hurry in order to save the other 5 eclipse spirits. I don't know whether we were going to make it in time though I knew our next destination was Libra, but it was going to be tough to get her to join our side. "So, who has great balance here in the group-kani?" _____ looked at me and asked, "Why?" I sighed and answered, "because its going to be dangerous to fight against the next spirit and she doesn't take welcomers lightly so we're going to be with only a group of 3 or 4 to be safe while the others wait." Virgo stepped up and said, "Obviously it's just gonna be me, you and _____." She pointed at me, I could tell why she chose herself and me to go along with _____, she has good balance due to fact she used to go around tortures a lot so she has to be quick and balanced while me on the other hand, I'm a dancer so balance is needed for me so we arrived in a abandoned gym. So Aries, Scorpio, Aquarius and Gemini were to wait outside and they all wished us good luck.

Scorpio's P.V

The others and I watch them disappear into the darkness of the abandoned gym, I could tell the others were thinking of the same thing as me. Hoping they would come back alive and not that injured.

Virgo's P.V

We walked inside as the doors closed behind us and the gym lit up with it's lights which were broken, but it was almost totally destroyed. The floor was just destroyed and it seemed like a never ending hole while having it connect to the other side was thick regulator bars that were about the width of a table's legs which isn't even that big plus it branch off to more bars like that except thinner until it reached the other side which was really thin. I coughed and spoke, "So who's going first?" I looked at them then Cancer came up with a actual good point, "how about if I go in front then _____ in the middle then you last just in case Libra is going for _____ then we have her in the back and front so she's less likely to fall to her death..." I nodded as _____ gulped so Cancer started walking then after some steps, ______walked too then I did while having my whip ready.

Libra's P.V

I watched them and knew their plan, it's going to be hard to separate them unless if I break the bars so I went to the other side of them and balanced myself to stand on the very thin bar. I spoke up, "What are you doing here? Trying to end my freedom? I don't believe any of you have balance since you don't know what's the key to balance." So I used my powers and got some left off equipment from this abandoned place like those heavy weight bars and dropped them above the distance in between each one of them. They panicked and tried to jump onto the other bars, they got lucky to get a hold of them. I could tell I angered Virgo as she got up and tried to whip me, but she missed as I grabbed the end of the whips and pulled her forward and swung her down to hit the walls of the hole then swung her back up to hit the ceiling as I left it go so she could fall to her death.

_____'s P.V

Virgo was prepared for this moment, she knew something like this would happened to her so I grabbed the whip, she had given to me before we arrived the gym. I remember the words she said, "Only use this when necessary and keep calm and aim for the object or figure you want the whip to wrap around, once its wrapped then pull slowly so you don't lose your grip." She smiled at then I snapped at reality as I called out her name, "Virgo!" I aimed the whip at Virgo and hoped it wrapped around her. I heard Cancer and the other eclipse celestial spirit fight, I knew Cancer was struggling to keep balance so I had to hurry, but I wanted to make Virgo was safe then all the sudden I felt something weighing me down so I slowly regained my strength and pulled up as I saw Virgo wrapped around the whip. I kept pulling her up until I was able to pulled up her whole body and throw her back onto the side we used to on so she wouldn't fall in the hole. Soon as I know Cancer was already on the other side, he was in pain and tired by his fight with other spirit. The only ones left was her and I though I couldn't just fight her since she was able to best up Cancer with no problem yet she was still harmed, but not enough. Plus this isn't really a good area to fight on since it requires lots of balance and it's not like I'm going to be able to keep up with her.

Libra's P.V

"I am Libra and you won't be able to achieved true balance if you don't pay attention to your surroundings!" I yelled out while I aimed my leg at her though she jumped back, but struggled to to keep still. She said, "Then when will there be true balance if your life is gone in 5 more days, it's not fair you just have it all disappear, life should be enjoyable in your own way and not end so quickly. Don't you realize, that you know when it ends and you'll just regret knowing it has to end so soon please listen to me, I want you to live a long life without knowing when it stops so you can gain more knowledge of what you truly love and enjoy everyday to the fullest..." What she had said, stunned me. It made me question was it really worth it? To live on,y for 5 more days then have it all disappear in front of me then I walked up to her and smiled a little bit. "You have a good point, sorry for attacking you and the others. I guess we should rest up so we can be balanced for tomorrow, jump onto my back so you won't be scared to walk back." She jumped up and I carried her as if she was a child as well I picked up Virgo and Cancer and kicked open to doors and put them down gently as the others were surprised to see me though they learned what happened and understood it. I helped provide them food and water so we could eat. Tomorrow was going to be a challenged yet I know together we'll get over it easily.

Alrighty who's next?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2016 ⏰

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