Fourth Ally/Mercy or Death

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Aries's P.V

As we heard a scream and whip noise, we turned around and saw Virgo whipping _____ nonstop. I signaled Gemini to distract her as Scorpio could grab her whip and run if that plan could work. They did as I said and I'll be able to grab _____ quickly away. Everything was working out fine until Virgo noticed me grabbing _____, I tried my best to drag her away, but Virgo just followed with that sadistic smile on her face, though I've never been this scared by her though I should worrying about _____ more since she's the target. Then she grabbed me by my neck and threw at the tree soon darkness over came me.

Gemini's P.V

"Keep away from our momma! She doesn't deserve your cruel and evil punishments that you get pleasure from!" We pouted and we tried to block Virgo's way. We stopped her and Scorpio jumped onto her and tried to pull away the whip from her.

Scorpio's P.V

"Give me the whip!" I demanded at Virgo though she tried to shake and pull me off. I was stuck onto her like glue but not literally. Then somehow she got me at my weak spot, before I knew it. I was on the ground in literally horrible pain, so cruel for lady to hurt a guy there. Thankfully Gemini grabbed the whips from Virgo and started to mock her to get her distracted.

Virgo's P.V

"You brats! Give me my whip before I think of something scary enough to never mess with me!" I yelled at them, but they didn't listen. I make sure Scorpio stayed on the ground after I kicked him hard at his weak spot which I quite find it enjoyable to see him hurt. I day dreamed a little about torturing that girl, they were with, I wonder what are her fears. Before I knew I snapped back to reality and I was tied up with my whip then pushed into the ground by Gemini. I struggled to get free then the girl approached me though keeping her distance away from me.

____'s P.V

"I'm sorry, I wish this didn't happen after all I know you didn't mean to hurt anyone." I smiled at Virgo while helping her to sit up though after I did that she glared at me. "Please all I want to do is save your life! I don't wanna see any of you guys die, you all have a purpose on this world to live on."

Virgo's P.V

She's caring that much about I feel guilty for hurting her and the others. I felt tears stream down my face and looked at her, I pleaded to her, "I'm sorry! I just wanted someone to be there! I don't wanna die for nothing, please take me with you! I promise I'll help to find the others, I won't hurt anyone for my pleasure." I felt arms wrapped around me as soon I was untied and I hugged everyone. I actually smiled for years first time, this is true happiness. I stood up, wiping away the tears and said, "Come on follow me, we'll find...."

Who do you guys want next except Leo cause he's last.

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