Sixth Ally/Partner Dance Battles!

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Aries' P.V

I groaned, "I'm tired, can't we rest yet!" The others sighed except Gemini and Aquarius agreed, they were tired too. So we quickly walked into the nearby town into a club where we could rest our feet. Though something was awfully suspicious of this club, it didn't seem normal. We were the only people that were here and the fact, the music was repeating itself. Gemini and Aquarius fell asleep and we put them on the couches then all the sudden the lights turned off. We couldn't see a thing.

Virgo's P.V

I shouted, "Whoever is doing this! I'm going to beat you up!" Then all of the sudden, I was pulled away by someone next thing I know the lights turn on and I was being spinning like a dancer. As I was spinning I see the colors of red, black and tan skin. "Damnit Cancer! Stop this at once!" I yelled at him. He replied, "Oh sorry baby there's no stopping when it's time to dance cause the party never stops-kani!"

*play this music video first*

_____'s P.V

"So he's cancer? That makes sense since he looks like a cancer, but what's he talking about dancing and partying?" I asked to Scorpio and Aries. They sweat dropped as they were about to explain. Cancer shouted as he pointed to Scorpio and I, "Partner dance to the death! If you guys win, I'll join you! If not, you die! Scorpio and you human girl while Virgo will be my partner, now watch our moves-kani!" He tossed Virgo a whip as she got it back, she immediately try to whip him, yet he dodges so smoothly that he looks like he's dancing. Then he quickly got Virgo moving by grabbing her whip and pulled her in then push her out. He pointed at us and said, "Your turn-kani!"

Scorpio's P.V

We had no idea what to do, but we can't lose after all we've been through. "Follow my lead," I told _____. She nodded as I start grabbed her hand and pulled her in. I blushed, but I didn't bother to worry about it then I whispered to her, to twirl in circle. I pushed out and let go as she twirled around in a circle. I ran towards her and picked her up and spinned her around. I put her down as she ran off and she signaled me to follow her. She put her hands up in the air and twirled around. I got behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist and we smiled. I picked her up as she flipped behind and landed in a split as I let go and fabulously posed behind her.

Cancer's P.V

I was in tears when I saw them dance so gracefully yet so sad. I focus back on winning so I put a song so upbeat that they probably won't keep up with.

*play the song that's next to the picture of Cancer*

I looked at Virgo and I told her in quiet whisper, "You better use your whip to hit them or I'll blackmail you so hard, you'll fear me after all I know what to use against you." She was angry, but she agreed. We dance individually as she shakes her hips around as he aims to hit them, spinned forward trying to hit them with my claws. "Stay still-kani!"
They kept trying to dodge as then I was able to cut Scorpio's heart as he turned into entirely new person. He grabbed the girl and held her close and tossed her to Virgo as she landed onto her and they both were knocked out cold. "So it's only you and me-kani?" He nodded as I went first to attack yet he didn't move as he held cards threw them at me as they formed a circle and caused a sandstorm to blind me. I couldn't find where he was, then I was kicked down and he learned close to my ear and whispered, "You're defeated now join us and if ever dare attack any of us, I'll surely won't hesitate to take you down. Now carry Virgo and Gemini, and show us the way to next celestial spirit." He got off and I immediate picked up knock out Virgo and sleeping Gemini twins as Scorpio picked up _____ as Aries followed us. "Follow me-kani..."

Gods this was the most embarrassing chapter to write cause it's eclipse cancer and he dances very...strangely lol well who's next to find!? Only you guys can decide

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