Chapter Twenty-Two

Start from the beginning

I caught my breath. “What did you do to him?”

“Don’t worry, beautiful,” Jay’s voice whispered mockingly. “I’m sure he’ll come around soon…one way or another.”

“Astrid?” Pierre’s voice was wary. “What’s going on?”

I tried to force down the lump that was forming in my throat. Everything was going wrong, everything. I should have known this was going to end badly. And now Charlie was in the hands of Jay, who sounded like he had everything but mercy on his brain. Now what could I do? With Charlie in Decrioux’s manor, Jay could play me into his hands faster than lightning – and he knew it, too.

“Are you wearing the glasses?” I asked Jay to distract him, peering at the screen. The view was staying remarkably steady, and I didn’t think that Jay could stand still that long. “What’s going on in there?”

He chuckled. “Nope, I’m not. They’re perched on a shelf, actually. These are incredibly useful gadgets, by the way. Nice work…Pierre, isn’t it?”

I tensed as Pierre’s voice echoed in my ear. “How do you know who I am? Who are you?”

His voice tugged at my heart. I knew that was supposed to be my answer, but I couldn’t bring myself to say anything. How could I possibly begin to explain when Pierre didn’t even know the beginning?

“Hmm…” Jay sounded thoughtful. “How to say it…I’m a friend, all right? A very good friend.”

“Just stop,” I choked out. “What do you want from me?”

There was a stirring at the other end, and then I could dimly hear Jay saying to someone in the manor, “Hook this up to a better sound system, will you? So she can hear everything that’s going on.” It was as if he had ripped the device out of his mouth, and evidently he had, because a moment later I could hear other voices echoing in the room.

“There, much better.” Jay sounded satisfied, and for the first time he moved in front of the glasses. I caught a glimpse of his bright blue eyes before I tore my eyes away from the screen.

“Astrid?” Pierre again.

“Shut up,” I hissed. “Just wait, okay?”

I needed to think of something, but as long as Jay had Charlie, I was completely in his power. He didn’t know that Josh was here too, though, or surely he would’ve said something…wouldn’t he?

“You asked what I wanted, Astrid.” Jay’s voice was now all business, a dangerous edge creeping into it. He stood next to Charlie’s chair. “For starters, get out of that tree. Keep your glasses on, so I can see what you’re doing. If your screen goes blank, I shoot Charlie, understood? And bring your rifle with you.”

I cursed silently. I had forgotten that he could see my rifle.

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