Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Sam's POV

I was walking through the drunks, the high ones, and the ones who were 'getting some tonight.' Parties were kind of gross in that way. But hey, whatever floats their boat.

"Sam! Bring that little curvy body over here!" I looked over to see Zayn scanning my body up and down.

I smiled and went over to him. He looked at me again analyzing my body. He bit his lip a bit and kept looking.

"I am glad you came tonight! That little black dress fits you nice." He winked at me.

"Zayn, you're a pig." I rolled my eyes and walked off. I saw the back of Liam's head in the distance. I walked over to him and placed my hands over his eyes. Then I slowly kissed his neck and saw him shiver with pleasure.

"Hey." I winked at him and kissed him.

"Hey babe, where have you been?"

"Hiding! Just kidding, I got here a while ago."

"Well I really misse-" Liam was stopped by some very loud moaning noises in the living room. We went in there to see what was happening only to see a big sex tape playing on the TV.

I would have never guessed.

Not in a million years.


Liam looked at the screen and froze. The people were none other than Zayn and Isabelle.

Zayn. and. Isabelle.

I saw Liam was somewhat hurt. I then looked over and saw Zayn running in the room. His face turned pale white when he saw the TV screen.

He ran to the DVD player and practically ripped in out of the TV. Everyone around had their mouths wide open in shock. The sweetheart and the jock.

Liam's face turned red, "I knew he'd pull some crap like this."

He ran off angrily and I ran outside after him. "Liam! Wait! Where are you going?"

"Just leave me alone Sam!" Liam was yelling at the top of his lungs.

"I'm just trying to help!" I was yelling back.

"Sam! You never helped me do anything! You just fucking confused me! You toy with me for no reason! You're not this bad ass you keep trying to be and you know it!" With that he stormed off.

I sat there. He broke me. I know who I am, I just don't like her. She's afraid and weak.

I became her again. Right when he left I slowly sank to my knees. I sat on the sidewalk thinking how stupid I was.

I heard footsteps behind me. Then a hand placed itself on my shoulders.

I looked up to see Harry coming and siting down beside me. I didn't even realize how much I'd been crying when he tilted my head up.

I looked into his eyes and saw he cared. He just pulled me close and stroked my hair. In front of everyone around he was holding me. In the middle of the sidewalk. Without a care in the world. I guess this is how it feels to be cared for...


Author's Note:

Hello! (: I AM SO SORRY I DIDN'T UPDATE! I hope you all still like this fanfic... I love you all that are reading!!!! OMG, you have no idea how much I love my readers.. <3 Well if I have 2+ comments on this chapter I will update ASAP. For real. (:

Love you all! <3

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