Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Zayn's POV

I'm so happy schools out! I've been trying to get up the courage to talk to the new girl. She's different than the rest, but I mean for real ... who can turn me down? I'm Zayn Malik, every girl wants me! There she is, over by the tree. I slowly walked up making sure I looked pretty sexy. Her eyes were locked with mine the whole time. I finally got close to her.

"Hey there Sam." I winked at her. I'm so smooth.

"Oh, uh, hi." She seems very very awkward, but I mean it is her first day.

"Need a ride home? I have spare time." I tried to sound convincing.

"No its, erm, fine Sarah is taking me home."

Damn it.

"Just let me know anytime you need something. I'll be more than willing to help." I winked again

Sam blushed,"Oh, t-thanks."

"So ... I was thi-"

Just as I was about to flirt it up some more Harry came storming over.

"Zayn! There you are! I need to talk to you. Right now." he scoffed.

Seriously? Is there no time for me to talk to Sam?! I was hoping to turn on the charm. Then when she was falling I'd ask her out (there's no way she could refuse), then after the date I'd get my make out session and sooner or later she'd be in love with me. Perfect! But ohhhh nooo! Everyone has to ruin Zayn's plan.

"Oh. Hazza. Hi. Coming." Ugh.

Haz pulled me aside kind of roughly. He seems more than just pissed off at me.

"What the hell are you doing Zayn?!" He was trying to be quiet, but that was failing.

"What do you mean?" I had no idea why he was so mad. Did he like Sam?

"You can't just flirt with Sam! It's her first day at school! I don't want her to think we're a bunch of guys that drool over her when she's with us!" He was being ridiculous.

When he said that I knew he had a thing for her. "Haz, I've kissed a girl on her first day here remember? Whats the big deal about Sam?

He obviously didn't know how to reply so he simply stormed off to his car. When I looked over to Sam I noticed she was staring at Harry. She seemed to study the way he moved. I could already tell something was gonna happen with those two. That's so unusual though. Haz only fucked a girl and gave her up, he never actually cared about someone. What the fuck has gotten into him?


Harry's POV

Ugh, I can't believe Zayn made a move on Sam before I did. He sees her as just a date or two or like a friends with benefits. I can't believe it! Why would he be so ignora- ... what am I thinking? I don't even know Sam, but for some reason I care for her.

I shifted gears. Driving around town can get a little boring especially when the rain prevented me from seeing all that clearly. I pulled over to get my iPhone out of my bag. When I looked in my bag I realized I left it in my locker. Shit. I pulled around toward the school and floored it there. I parked in the front, got out and as I was heading in I noticed a small figure under the tree.

Sam. She had her hood up and was getting soaked. Sure its summer, but that little jacket isn't going to keep her from freezing. I jogged towards her.

"Hey! Sam?" I called loudly over the rain.

"Hello? Oh hey!" She was shivering

"What are you doing out here? Come on ,come inside!" She smiled a bit and followed me.

We ran to the front steps and went in. There wasn't too many people at our school, just a few people studying.

"Hey, uhm, thanks for showing me in." She smiled at me.

Her smile was beautiful. "Its not a big deal." I grinned cheekily towards her.

"Whats your name again? I'm sorry, I know I should remember, but I met so many people today."

"My names Harry," I grinned. "I'll be right back, I left my phone in my locker, just stay here for a sec."

She gave a little nod. With that I went jogging down the hall trying to be as fast as possible. My thoughts got the best of me when I was in my locker. Why did I want to get back to her so fast? Why did I get this tingly feeling all over when she smiles? I grabbed my iPhone. I started to wonder even more on the walk back to her.

I smiled when I saw her,"Why are you at school still?"

She turned back,"I guess mom forgot she was supposed to pick me up."

"Oh, would you like a ride home? Its raining kind of hard outside, I don't suppose you'd want to walk." I didn't want her in the rain again. What if she got sick?

"Yeah actually, that'd be nice." She replied

I led her to my car and she got in. I turned on the heat so we could dry off a little. I turned on the radio when my CD of MGMT came on. I reached to take out the CD ,knowing most girls hate this type of music, when Sam said that she loved this song. I smiled at her. She was singing along. I loved how open she was.

Sam kept pointing directions to her house. She only lives a few blocks away from me. When I pulled up in her drive she thanked me, then got out and walked away. I backed out and started towards my house. Now forgetting my iPhone wasn't all that bad. I drove home thinking today wasn't as average as I thought it'd be. I pulled into my own drive, got out, and went in. Mum greeted me on my way in.

I went upstairs to my room and shut the door. I flopped on my bed thinking today was a really good day. Then as I was laying there the realization hit me. I fancy Sam.


Author's Note:

What'd you think about chapter 4? I'd love to hear some feedback! Thanks for reading. (:

 Comments and questions are very much welcome! Hope you're liking it!

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